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Bacterium moves like a tank 5
Species name:Flavobacterium johnsoniae
Gakushuin University Daisuke Nakane
Flavobacterium johnsoniae and many other members of Bacteroidetes exhibit rapid gliding motility over surfaces by a unique mechanism. These cells do not have flagella or pili; instead, they rely on a novel motility apparatus. SprB, a 669 kDa cell-surface adhesin, is required for efficient gliding. Here, we showed dynamic movements of SprB were observed by fluorescent microscopy. SprB moved at a constant speed of 2 um/s on the cell surface along a left-handed helical closed loop, appears that the cell have a moving conveyer belt. Attachment of SprB to the substratum was associated with cell movement, suggesting a model for gliding, in which adhesins are propelled along a helical track, generating rotation and translation of the cell.
Helical flow of surface protein required for bacterial gliding motility. (PNAS, 110, 11145-11150)
Bidirectional bacterial gliding motility powered by the collective transport of cell surface proteins. Phys. Rev. Lett. 111, 248102