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Video archives
Here, we establish an online video library where a series of movies relevant to motility are available. The miscellaneous category includes bacteria, eukaryotes, and archaea, viruses, proteins, and synthetic polymers. The movies that are meaningful in the biology field will be uploaded in both Japanese and English.
For the contributors who plan to upload your video, you should keep in mind the following suggestions:
(1) the video which is relative to the object of your research
(2) the video about microbe found in the research activity of the super-science high school or biological clubs are encouraged to upload
(3) Do not forget to add the link of your video which has been published (Please make sure the copyright)
(4) If you think some videos in the old textbook are valuable to upload, please let us know.
Video List
Macrobiotus sp.
Species name:Macrobiotus sp.
Tokyo Metropolitan Government Bureau Swerage,
The size of Macrobiotus is about 0.2 – 1.0 mm. The body is covered with a thin chitin film, with spiny bristles, armor plates. There are four pairs of footsteps, with nails at the tip. Macrobiotus have fourth pair of legs with nails at the tip. They usually live in soil. The form that I'm slow in action and walk slowly is similar to a bear, so it's called a bear bug. The tooth needle taken out of the mouth is stuck into food, and it's crowded, and a pharynx, to work, more, I suck at contents. Slowly walking figure resembles a bear so it is called water bears.
Molecule and Protein
Fig1bSide_Branching by Arp2/3complex with VCA
Waseda Univerisity Shin'ichi ISHIWATA
Fig1bSide_Branching by Arp2/3complex with VCA
Molecule and Protein
Fig1eEnd_Branching by Arp2/3complex with VCA
Waseda Univerisity Shin'ichi ISHIWATA
Fig1eEnd_Branching by Arp2/3complex with VCA
Molecule and Protein
Fig1gEnd_Coupling by Arp2/3complex with VCA
Waseda Univerisity Shin'ichi ISHIWATA
Fig1gEnd_Coupling by Arp2/3complex with VCA
SPOC(Myofibril in auxotonic condition)
Waseda Univerisity Shin'ichi ISHIWATA
SPOC(Myofibril in auxotonic condition)
Molecule and Protein
Super helix formation of actin filaments.
Waseda Univerisity Shin'ichi ISHIWATA
Super helix formation of actin filaments.
Molecule and Protein
Actin Polymerization Triggered by Arp2/3complex.
Waseda Univerisity Shin'ichi ISHIWATA
Actin Polymerization Triggered by Arp2/3complex.
Molecule and Protein
A-band motility assay system
Waseda Univerisity Shin'ichi ISHIWATA
A-band motility assay system