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A01 宮田班
- Mizutani M, Tulum I, Kinosita Y, Nishizaka T and *Miyata M. Detailed analyses of stall force generation in Mycoplasma mobile gliding. Biophysical J 114:1411-1409. (2018) 査読有
- 宮田真人 マイコプラズマ・モービレの滑走運動~運動マシナリーの多様性から見えるもの(前編)~. 生物工学会誌,96(4): 200-203. (2018) 査読無
- 宮田真人 生体分子マシンの基礎. 日本化学会編,「CSJレビュー26 分子マシンの科学 分子の動きとその機能を見る」, 14-21. (2017) 査読無
- 宮田真人 最小微生物,マイコプラズマのユニークな滑走運動. 日本化学会編,「CSJレビュー26 分子マシンの科学 分子の動きとその機能を見る」,68-75. (2017) 査読無
- Terahara N, Tulum I and *Miyata M. Transformation of crustacean pathogenic bacterium Spiroplasma eriocheiris and expression of yellow fluorescent protein. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communication. 487:488-493 (2017) 査読有
- Sagami T, Tahara YO, Miyata M, Miyake H and *Shinoda S. Luminescence sensing of weakly-hydrated anions in aqueous solution by self-assembled europium(III) complexes. Chemical Communications. 53:3967-70 (2017) 査読有
- Sagami T, Umemoto S, Tahara YO, Miyata M, Yonamine Y, Ishikawa D, Mori, T, Ariga K, Miyake H, *Shinoda S. pH-Responsive Cotton effects in the d-d transition band of self-assembling copper(II) complexes with a cholesteryl-armed ligand. Bulletin of the Chemical Society of Japan. 90:739-745. (2017) 査読有
- *Kamada K, Su'etsugu M, Takada H, Miyata M and Hirano T. Overall shapes of the SMC-ScpAB complex are determined by balance between constraint and relaxation of its structural parts. Structure. 25:603-616 査読有
- Trussart M, Yus E, Martinez S, Baù D, Tahara YO, Pengo T, Widjaja M, Kretschmer S, Swoger J, Miyata M, Marti-Renom MA, *Lluch-Senar M and *Serrano L. Defined chromosome structure in a genome-reduced Mycoplasma pneumoniae Nature Communications. 8:14665 (2017) 査読有
- Mizutani M and *Miyata M. Force measurement on Mycoplasma mobile gliding using optical tweezers. Bio protocol. 7: Iss 3, 2/5/2017 (2017) 査読有
- ●Liu P, Zheng H, Meng Q, Terahara N, Gu W, Wang S, Zhao G, Nakane D, *Wang W and *Miyata M. Chemotaxis without conventional two-component system, based on cell polarity and aerobic conditions in helicity-switching swimming of Spiroplasma eriocheiris. Frontiers in Microbiology. 8: 58 (2017) 査読有
- *宮田真人. 「肺炎病原菌,マイコプラズマの滑走運動」,化学療法の領域,275-281 (2017) 査読無
- ●Kawakita Y, Kinoshita M, Furukawa Y, Tulum I, Tahara YO, Katayama E, Namba K and Miyata M. Structural study of MPN387, an essential protein for gliding motility of a human pathogenic bacterium, Mycoplasma pneumoniae. Journal of Bacteriology 198:2352-9. (2016) 査読有
- ●Tanaka A, Nakane D, Mizutani M, Nishizaka T and *Miyata M. Directed binding of gliding bacterium, Mycoplasma mobile, shown by detachment force and bond lifetime. mBio 7:e00455-16. (2016) 査読有
- *Miyata M and Hamaguchi T. Integrated information and prospects for gliding mechanism of the pathogenic bacterium Mycoplasma pneumoniae. Frontiers in Microbiology, 7:960 (2016) 査読有
- ●Kawamoto A, Matsuo L, Kato T, Yamamoto H, Namba K and *Miyata M. Periodicity in attachment organelle revealed by electron cryotomography suggests conformational changes in gliding mechanism of Mycoplasma pneumoniae. mBio, 7(2): e00243-16 (2016) 査読有
- ●Nakane D, Kenri T, Matsuo L and *Miyata M. Systematic structural analyses of attachment organelle in Mycoplasma pneumoniae. PLOS Pathogens, 11(12): e1005299 (2015) 査読有
- 宮田真人. マイコプラズマの運動機構 最新マイコプラズマ学(神谷茂ら編) :19-24 (2016)
- 宮田真人. 滑走するマイコプラズマ 臨床と微生物 42(5):465-468 (2015)
- *Miyata M and Hamaguchi T. Prospects for the gliding mechanism of Mycoplasma mobile. Current Opinion in Microbiology 29:15-21 (2016) 査読有
- Morio H, Kasai T, and Miyata M. Gliding direction of Mycoplasma mobile. Journal of Bacteriology 198(2): 283-90 (2015) 査読有
- ●Lee W, Kinosita Y, Oh Y, Mikami N, Yang H, Miyata M, Nishizaka T and *Kim D. Three-Dimensional Superlocalization Imaging of Gliding Mycoplasma mobile by Extraordinary Light Transmission through Arrayed Nanoholes. ACS Nano 9 (11): 10896-908 (2015) 査読有
- Kasai T, Hamaguchi and *Miyata M. Gliding mtility of Mycoplasma mobile on uniform oligosaccharides. Journal of Bacteriology 197(18): 2952-2957 (2015) 査読有
- ●小嶋誠司,政池知子, 南野徹, 宮田真人. Following the Random Walk:Howard Berg先生インタビュー. 生物物理 54(4):226-229 (2014) 査読有
- *宮田真人 . 最小生物,マイコプラズマ滑走運動のメカニズム. 科研費 NEWS3: 16 (2014) 査読無
- ●Kinosita Y, Nakane D, Sugawa M, Masaike T, Mizutani K, Miyata M and Nishizaka T. Unitary step of gliding machinery in Mycoplasma mobile. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA111(23): 8601–8606 (2014) 査読有
- Tulum I, Yabe M, Uenoyama A and *Miyata M. Localization of P42 and an F1-ATPase α-subunit homolog of the gliding machinery in Mycoplasma mobile revealed by newly developed gene manipulation and fluorescent protein tagging. J Bacteriol, 196: 1815-24 (2014) 査読有
- ●*Miyata M,, Nakane D. 2013. Gliding mechanism of Mycoplasma pneumoniae subgroup implication from Mycoplasma mobile, p. 237-252. In G. Browning and C. Citti (ed.), Molecular and cell biology of Mollicutes. Horizon Press, Norfolk, UK.
- ●Kasai T and *Miyata M. Analyzing inhibitory effects of reagents on Mycoplasma gliding and adhesion. Bio-protocol 3(14): e829 (2013) 査読有
- Kamada K, Miyata M, Hirano T. Molecular basis of SMC ATPase activation: role of internal structural changes of the regulatory subcomplex ScpAB. Structure, 21(4):581-94(2013) 査読有
- ●Taniguchi T, Miyauchi K, Nakane D, Miyata M, Muto A, Nishimura S, *Suzuki T. Decoding system for the AUA codon by tRNAIle with the UAU anticodon in Mycoplasma mobile. Nucleic Acids Res., 41(4):2621-31(2013) 査読有
- ●Kasai T, Nakane D, Ishida H, Ando H, Kiso M and *Miyata M. Binding in Mycoplasma mobile and Mycoplasma pneumoniae gliding analyzed through inhibition by synthesized sialylated compounds. J Bacteriol, 195(3):429-35(2013),表紙の図に採用,査読有
- Wu HN and *Miyata M. Whole surface image of Mycoplasma mobile, suggested by protein identification and immunofluorescence microscopy. J Bacteriol, 194: 5848-55 (2012) 査読有
- Adan-Kubo J, Yoshii SH, Kono H and *Miyata M. Molecular structure of isolated MvspI, a variable surface protein of the fish pathogen Mycoplasma mobile. J Bacteriol, 194: 3050-7 (2012) 表紙の図に採用,査読有
- ●Wu HN, Kawaguchi C, Nakane D and *Miyata M. "Mycoplasmal antigen modulation," a novel surface variation suggested for a lipoprotein specifically localized on Mycoplasma mobile. Curr Microbiol, 64: 433-40 (2012) 査読有
- *Sato C, Manaka S, Nakane D, Nishiyama H, Suga M, Nishizaka T, Miyata M, and Maruyama Y. Rapid imaging of mycoplasma in solution using Atmospheric Scanning Electron Microscopy (ASEM). Biochem Biophys Res Commun, 417: 1213-8 (2012) 査読有
- ●Nakane D and *Miyata M. Mycoplasma mobile cells elongatby detergent and their pivoting movements in gliding. J Bacteriol, 194: 122-30 (2012) 表紙の図に採用,査読有
- マイコプラズマの生物学 *宮田真人 月刊メビオ 29(10) 8-14 (2012) 表紙の図に採用,査読無
- ●Kinosita Y, Uchida N, Nakane D, Nishizaka T. Direct observation of rotation and steps of the archaellum in the swimming halophilic archaeon Halobacterium salinarum Nat Microbiol. 1:16148 (2016) 査読有
- Yogo K, Ogawa T, Hayashi M, Harada Y, Nishizaka T and Kinosita K Jr. Direct observation of strand passage by DNA-topoisomerase and its limited processivity. PLoS One, 7(4): e34920(2012) 査読有
- 西坂崇之, 藤村章子, 加藤孝信, 矢島潤一郎 「細胞骨格のin vitroでの運動を三次元的に追跡する」 生体の科学, 64(6): 558-563(2013) 査読有
- ● Kinosita Y, Nakane D, Sugawa M, Masaike T, Mizutani K, Miyata M, Nishizaka T. Unitary Step of Gliding Machinery in Mycoplasma mobile. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 111(23):8601-6 (2014) 査読有
- Adachi K, Oiwa K, Yoshida M, Nishizaka T and Kinosita K Jr. Controlled rotation of the F1-ATPase reveals differential and continuous binding changes for ATP synthesis. Nature Communications, 3:1022(2012) 査読有
- Kim K, Yajima J, Oh Y, Lee W, Oowada S, Nishizaka T and Kim D. Nanoscale localization sampling based on nanoantenna arrays for super-resolution imaging of fluorescent monomers on sliding microtubules. Small, 8(6):892-900 (2012) 査読有
- ●Sato C, Manaka S, Nakane D, Nishiyama H, Suga M, Nishizaka T, Miyata M and Maruyama Y. Rapid imaging of mycoplasma in solution using Atmospheric Scanning Electron Microscopy (ASEM).Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, 417(4):1213-8 (2012) 査読有
- ●Terahara N, Kodera N, Uchihashi T, Ando T, Namba K* and Minamino T*.Na+-induced structural transition of MotPS for stator assembly of the Bacillus flagellar motor Science Advances 3(11): eaao4119 (2017) 査読有
- ●Ngo KX, Umeki N, Kijima ST, Kodera N, Ueno H, Furutani-Umezu N, Nakajima J, Noguchi TQP, Nagasaki A, Tokuraku K, Uyeda TQP. Allosteric regulation by cooperative conformational changes of actin filaments drives mutually exclusive binding with cofilin and myosin. Sci. Reports, 6:35449 (2016) 査読有
- *Watanabe-Nakayama T, Itami M, Kodera N, Ando T and *Konno H. High-speed atomic force microscopy reveals strongly polarized movement of clostridial collagenase along collagen fibrils. Sci. Rep. 6:28975 (2016) 査読有
- *古寺哲幸. 分子の動きをみる 天然物の科学 –魅力と展望– 上村大輔編: 158-163 (2016) 査読無
- *古寺哲幸. 脚の短いプロセッシブミオシンが運動している様子のビデオ撮影に成功 科研費NEWS (3): 12 (2015) 査読無
- #Davies T, #Kodera N, Kaminski Schierle GS, Rees E, Erdelyi M, Kaminski CF, Ando T and *Mishima M. CYK4 Promotes Antiparallel Microtubule Bundling by Optimizing MKLP1 Neck Conformation. PLoS Biol. 13(4): e1002121 (2015) 査読有 #Contributed equally
- Uchihashi T, Kodera N and *Ando T. “High-speed Atomic Force Microscopy” in “Noncontact Atomic Force Microscopy”. Springer New York, (3): 481-518 (2015) 査読無
- Uchihashi T, Kodera N and *Ando T. “Development of High-speed AFM and Its Biological Applications” in “Atomic Force Microscopy in Nanobiology”. Pan Stanford Publishing Singapore, 143-176 (2014) 査読無
- ●Ngo KX, *Kodera N, Katayama E, Ando T and *Uyeda TQP. Cofilin-induced unidirectional cooperative conformational changes in actin filaments revealed by high-speed atomic force microscopy. eLife, 2015 4:e04806(2015) 査読有
- Ishino S, Yamagami T, Kitamura M, Kodera N, Mori T, Sugiyama S, Ando T, Goda N, Tenno T, Hiroaki H and Ishino Y. Multiple interactions of the intrinsically disordered region between the helicase and the nuclease domains of the archaeal Hef protein. J. Biol. Chem,289(31):21627-21639 (2014) 査読有
- Preiner J, Kodera N, Tang J, Ebner A, Brameshuber M, Blaas D, Gelbmann N, Gruber HJ, Ando T and Hinterdorfer P. IgGs are made for walking on bacterial and viral surfaces. Nature Communications, 5:4394 (2014) 査読有
- Kodera N and Ando T. The path to visualization of walking myosin V by high-speed atomic force microscopy. Biophys Rev,1-24 (2014) 査読有
- 古寺哲幸、内橋貴之、安藤敏夫. 高速原子間力顕微鏡による生体分子のナノ動態撮影. 日本物理学会誌 69(7):456-464 (2014) 査読無
- 内橋貴之、古寺哲幸. リアルタイム原子間力顕微鏡の開発とたんぱく質の機能動態イメージング. 光学, 42:89-94 (2013) 査読有
- Uchihashi T, Kodera N and Ando T. “Nanovisualization of Proteins in Action Using High-speed AFM” in “Single-molecule Studies of Proteins”. Springer New York,(5):119-147 (2013) 査読無
- Ando T, Uchihashi T, Kodera N, Shibata M, Yamamoto D and Yamashita H. “High-speed AFM for observing dynamic processes in liquid” in “Atomic Force Microscopy in Liquid”. Wiley-VCH,(7):189-210 (2012) 査読無
- Ando T, Uchihashi T and Kodera N. High-Speed AFM and Applications to Biomolecular Systems. Annu. Rev. Biophys, 42:393-414 (2013) 査読有
- Hashimoto M, Kodera N, Tsunaka Y, Oda M, Tanimoto M, Ando T, Morikawa K and Tate S. Phosphorylation-Coupled Intramolecular Dynamics of Unstructured Regions in Chromatin Remodeler FACT. Biophys J, 104:2222-2234 (2013) 査読有
- *Nojima T, Konnno H, Kodera N, Seio K, Taguchi H and Yoshida M. Nano-scale alignment of proteins on a flexible DNA backbone. PLOS ONE, 7:e52534 (5pp) (2012) 査読有
- *Ando T, Uchihashi T and Kodera N. High-speed atomic force microscopy. Jpn J Appl Phys, 51: 08KA02 (15 pp) (2012) 査読有
- #Uchihashi T, #Kodera N and *Ando T. Guide to video recording of structure dynamics and dynamic processes of proteins by high-speed atomic force microscopy. Nature Protocols, 7(6): 1193-1206 (2012) 査読有 #Contributed equally
- *Ando T and Kodera N. Visualization of mobility by atomic force microscopy. Methods Mol Biol, 896: 57-69 (2012) 査読有
A01 森班
森 博幸
- *Ito K, Mori H and Chiba S. Monitoring substrate enables real-time regulation of a protein localization pathway. (Minireview) FEMS Microbiology Letters.365(11) (2018) 査読有
- *Mori H, Sakashita S, Ito J, Ishii E and Akiyama Y. Identification and characterization of arrest motif in VemP by systematic mutational analysis. J. Biol. Chem. 293: 2915-2926. (2018) 査読有
- Miyazaki R, Myogo N, Mori H and *Akiyama Y. A new photo-cross-linking approach for analysis of protein dynamics in vivo. J. Biol. Chem. 293: 677-686. (2018) 査読有
- ●Furukawa A, Yoshikaie K, Mori T, Mori H, Morimoto YV, Sugano Y, Iwaki S, Minamino T, Sugita Y, Tanaka Y and *Tsukazaki T. Tunnel formation inferred from the I-form structures of the proton-driven protein secretion motor SecDF Cell Reports 19:895-901 (2017) 査読有
- Daimon Y, Iwama (Masui) C, Tanaka Y, Shiota T, Suzuki T, Miyazaki R, Sakurada H, Lithgow T, Dohmae N, Mori H, *Tsukazaki T, *Narita S and *Akiyama Y. The TPR domain of BepA is required for productive interaction with substrate proteins and the β-barrel assembly machinery (BAM) complex. Molecular Microbiology 106(5): 760-776 (2017) 査読有
- Miyazaki R, Yura T, Suzuki T, Dohmae N, Mori H and *Akiyama Y. A Novel SRP Recognition Sequence in the Homeostatic Control Region of Heat Shock Transcription Factor σ(32). Scientfic reports 6:24147 doi:10.1038/srep24147 (2016)査読有
- Akiyama K, Mizuno S, Hizukuri Y, Mori H, Nogi T and *Akiyama Y. Roles of the membrane-reentrant β-hairpin-like loop of RseP protease in selective substrate cleavage. eLife 4:e08928 (2015)査読有
- ●Ishii E, Chiba S, Hashimoto N, Kojima S, Homma M, Ito K, Akiyama Y and *Mori H. Nascent chain-monitored remodeling of the Sec machinery for salinity adaptation of marine bacteria. PNAS 112(40):E5513-E5522 (2015)査読有
- ●Kumazaki K, Kishimoto T, Furukawa A, Mori H, Tanaka Y, Dohmae N, Ishitani R, *Tsukazaki T and *Nureki O. Crystal structure of Escherichia coli YidC, a membrane protein chaperone and insertase. Sci Rep. 4:7299 (2014)査読有
- ●Kumazaki K, Chiba S, Takemoto M, Furukawa A, Nishiyama K, Sugano Y, Mori T, Dohmae N, Hirata K, Nakada-Nakura Y, Maturana AD, Tanaka Y, Mori H, Sugita Y, Arisaka F, Ito K, Ishitani R, *Tsukazaki T and *Nureki O. Structural basis of Sec-independent membrane protein insertion by YidC. Nature 509(7501):516-20 (2014)査読有
- ●Mio K, Tsukazaki T, Mori H, Kawata M, Moriya T, Sasaki Y, Ishitani R, Ito K, *Nureki O and *Sato C. Conformational variation of the translocon enhancing chaperone SecDF. J Struct Funct Genomics 15(3):107-15 DOI 10.1007/s10969-013-9168-4 (2014)査読有
- *森 博幸、石井 英治 「タンパク質膜透過の駆動メカニズム」分子マシンの科学 26:76-83 (2017) 査読無
- *石井 英治、森 博幸 「ビブリオ属細菌における2つのタンパク質膜透過促進因子の生理的意義と使い分け機構」医学の歩み 261:1178-1179 (2017) 査読無
- ●*森 博幸、塚崎 智也「細菌のタンパク質分泌を促進する膜タンパク質SecDFの構造と機能」化学と生物 51(No.1):28-35 (2013) 査読有
- Daimon Y, Iwama (Masui) C, Tanaka Y, Shiota T, Suzuki T, Miyazaki R, Sakurada H, Lithgow T, Dohmae N, Mori H, *Tsukazaki T, *Narita S and *Akiyama Y. The TPR domain of BepA is required for productive interaction with substrate proteins and the β-barrel assembly machinery (BAM) complex. Molecular Microbiology 106(5): 760-776 (2017) 査読有
- Tanaka Y, Sugano Y, Takemoto M, Mori T, Furukawa A, Kusakizako T, Kumazaki K, Kashima A, Ishitani R, Sugita Y, *Nureki O and *Tsukazaki T. Crystal Structures of SecYEG in Lipidic Cubic Phase Elucidate a Precise Resting and a Peptide-Bound State. Cell Reports 13(8):1561-1568 (2015)査読有
- Shimokawa-Chiba N, Kumazaki K, Tsukazaki T, Nureki O, Ito K and *Chiba S.Hydrophilic microenvironment required for the channel-independent insertase function of YidC protein. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA. 112(6):5063-5068 (2015)査読有
- Kumazaki K, *Tsukazaki T, Nishizawa T, Tanaka Y, Kato H E, Nakada-Nakura Y, Hirata K, Mori Y, Suga H, Dohmae N, Ishitani R and *Nureki O. Crystallization and preliminary X-ray diffraction analysis of YidC, a membrane-protein chaperone and insertase from Bacillus halodurans. Acta Crystallographica Section F: Structural Biology Communications 70: 1056-1060 (2015) 査読有
- ●Kumazaki K, Kishimoto T, Furukawa A, Mori H, Tanaka Y, Dohmae N, Ishitani R, *Tsukazaki T and *Nureki O. Crystal structure of Escherichia coli YidC, a membrane protein chaperone and insertase. Sci Rep. 4:7299 (2014)査読有
- ●Kumazaki K, Chiba S, Takemoto M, Furukawa A, Nishiyama K, Sugano Y, Mori T, Dohmae N, Hirata K, Nakada-Nakura Y, Maturana AD, Tanaka Y, Mori H, Sugita Y, Arisaka F, Ito K, Ishitani R, *Tsukazaki T and *Nureki O. Structural basis of Sec-independent membrane protein insertion by YidC. Nature 509(7501): 516-20 (2014) 査読有
- ●Mio K, Tsukazaki T, Mori H, Kawata M, Moriya T, Sasaki Y, Ishitani R, Ito K, *Nureki O and *Sato C. Conformational variation of the translocon enhancing chaperone SecDF. J Struct Funct Genomics (3): 107-15 査読有
- Tanaka Y, Hipolito CJ, Maturana AD, Ito K, Kuroda T, Higuchi T, Katoh T, Kato HE, Hattori M, Kumazaki K, Tsukazaki T, Ishitani R, *Suga H and *Nureki O. Structural basis for the drug extrusion mechanism by a MATE multidrug transporter. Nature, 496:247-251(2013) 査読有
- Doki S, Kato HE, Solcan N, Iwaki M, Koyama M, Hattori M, Iwase N, Tsukazaki T, Sugita Y, Kandori H, Newstead S, *Ishitani R and *Nureki O. Structural basis for dynamic mechanism of proton-coupled symport by the peptide transporter POT. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA, 110:11343-11348(2013) 査読有
- Kato HE, Zhang F, Yizhar O, Ramakrishnan C, Nishizawa T, Hirata K, Ito J, Aita Y, Tsukazaki T, Hayashi S, Hegemann P, Maturana AD, Ishitani R, *Deisseroth K and *Nureki O. Crystal structure of the channelrhodopsin light-gated cation channel. Nature 482(7385): 369-74 (2012) 査読有
A02 本間班
- *Onoue Y, Takekawa N, Nishikino T, Kojima S and *Homma M. The role of conserved charged residues in the bidirectional rotation of the bacterial flagellar motor. MicrobiologyOpen, e587. (2018) 査読有
- ●*Kojima S, Takao M, Almira G, Kawahara I, Sakuma M, Homma M, *Kojima C and *Imada K. The helix rearrangement in the periplasmic domain of the flagellar stator B subunit activates peptidoglycan binding and ion influx. Structure 26: 590-598. (2018) 査読有
- Kondo S, *Homma M and Kojima S. Analysis of the GTPase motif of FlhF in the control of the number and location of polar flagella in Vibrio alginolyticus. 14: 173-181. (2017) 査読有
- Zhu S, Nishikino T, Hu B, Kojima S, *Homma M and *Liu J. Molecular architecture of the sheathed polar flagellum in Vibrio alginolyticus. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 114: 10966-10971. (2017) 査読有
- *Miyanoiri Y, Hijikata A, Nishino Y, Gohara M, Onoue Y, Kojima S, Kojima C, Shirai T, Kainosho M, *Homma M. Structural and functional analysis of the C-terminal region of FliG, an essential motor component of Vibrio Na+-driven flagella. Structure 25: 1-9. (2017) 査読有
- Inaba S, Nishigaki T, Takekawa N, Kojima S and *Homma M. Localization and domain characterization of the SflA regulator of flagellar formation in Vibrio alginolyticus. Genes Cells 7: 619-627. (2017) 査読有
- Takekawa N, Kwon S, Nishioka N, Kojima S and *Homma M. HubP, a polar landmark protein, regulates flagellar number by assisting in the proper polar localization of FlhG in Vibrio alginolyticus. Journal of Bacteriology 198(22): 3091-3098. (2016) 査読有
- Onoue Y, Abe-Yoshizumi R, Gohara M, Nishino Y, Kobayashi K, Asami Y, *Homma M. Domain-based biophysical characterization of the structural and thermal stability of FliG, an essential rotor component of the Na+-driven flagellar motor. Biophysics and Physicobiology 13: 227-233. (2016) 査読有
- Takekawa N, Kojima S and *Homma M. Mutational analysis and overproduction effects of MotX, an essential component for motor function of Na+-driven polar flagella of Vibrio. Journal of Biochemistry 161(2): 159-166. (2017) 査読有
- ●Takekawa N, Terahara N, Kato T, Gohara M, Mayanagi K, Hijikata A, Onoue Y, Kojima S, Shirai T, Namba K, Homma M. The tetrameric MotA complex as the core of the flagellar motor stator from hyperthermophilic bacterium. Sci Rep 6:31526. doi: 10.1038/srep31526. (2016)査読有
- Nishikino T, Zhu S1, Takekawa N, Kojima S, Onoue Y and Homma M. Serine suppresses the motor function of a periplasmic PomB mutation in the Vibrio flagella stator. GenesCell 21(5): 505-16 (2016) 査読有
- ●Minamino T, Kinoshita M, Inoue Y, Morimoto YV, Ihara K, Koya S, Hara N, Nishioka N, Kojima S, Homma M and Keiichi Namba K. FliH and FliI ensure efficient energy coupling of flagellar type III protein export in Salmonella. Microbiologyopen doi:10.1002/mbo3.340 (2016)査読有
- ●Nishiyama S, Takahashi Y, Yamamoto K, Suzuki D, Itoh Y, Sumita K, Uchida Y, Homma M, Imada K, Kawagishi I. Identification of a Vibrio cholerae chemoreceptor that senses taurine and amino acids as attractants. Sci Rep 6:20866 (2016)査読有
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- Fujinami S, Takeda K, Onodera T, Satoh K, Sano M, Narumi I and *Ito M. Draft Genome Sequence of Potassium-Dependent Alkaliphilic Bacillus sp. Strain TS-2 isolated from a jumping spider.Genome Announc, 2(3): pii: e00458-14 (2014) 査読有
- Takahashi Y, Koyama K and *Ito M. Suppressor mutants from MotB-D24E and MotS-D30E in the flagellar stator complex of Bacillus subtilis.J Gen Appl Microbiol, 60(4): 131-9 (2014) 査読有
- Takahashi Y and *Ito M. Mutational analysis of charged residues in the cytoplasmic loops of MotA and MotP in the Bacillus subtilis flagellar motor.J Biochem. 156(4):211-220 (2014) 査読有
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- 寺原直矢、佐野元彦、伊藤政博、第3のイオンで駆動するハイブリッド型細菌べん毛モーターの発見、 バイオサイエンスとインダストリー, 71(4): 346-348 (2013) 査読無
- Fujinami S, Takeda K, Onodera T, Satoh K, Sano M, Narumi I and Ito M. Genome Sequence of Sodium-Independent Alkaliphilic Microbacterium sp. Strain TS-1. Genome Announc, 1(6): e01043-13 (2013) 査読有
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- 藤浪俊、守野正人、*伊藤政博、好アルカリ性細菌のアルカリ適応機構、生物工学会誌、90(11): 692-695 (2012) 査読無
- 伊藤政博、第3章-3.好アルカリ性細菌のアルカリ適応機構と応用、極限環境生物の産業展開、今中忠行監修、シーエムシー p79-89 (2012)
- ●Ibuki T, Uchida Y, Hironaka Y, Namba K, *Imada K and Minamino T. Interaction between FliJ and FlhA, components of the bacterial flagellar type III export apparatus. J Bacteriol, 195(3):466-73 doi: 10.1128/JB.01711-12 (2013) 査読有
- Terashima H, Li N, Sakuma M, Koike M, Kojima S, Homma M and *Imada K. Insight into the assembly mechanism in the supramolecular rings of the sodium-driven Vibrio flagellar motor from the structure of FlgT. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A, 110(15):6133-8 doi: 10.1073/pnas.1222655110 (2013) 査読有
- Takei T, Hasegawa K, Imada K, Namba K, Tsumoto K, Kuriki Y, Yoshino M, Yazaki K, Kojima S, Takei T, Ueda T and Miura K. Effects of chain length of an amphipathic polypeptide carrying the repeated amino acid sequence (LETLAKA)(n) on α-helix and fibrous assembly formation. Biochemistry, 52(16):2810-20 doi: 10.1021/bi400001c (2013) 査読有
- Saijo-Hamano Y, Matsunami H, Namba K and *Imada K. Expression, purification, crystallization and preliminary X-ray diffraction analysis of a core fragment of FlgG, a bacterial flagellar rod protein. Acta Crystallogr Sect F Struct Biol Cryst Commun, 69(Pt 5):547-50 doi: 10.1107/S1744309113008075 (2013) 査読有
- Matsutani M, Shirakihara Y, Imada K, Yakushi T and Matsushita K. Draft Genome Sequence of a Thermophilic Member of the Bacillaceae, Anoxybacillus flavithermus Strain Kn10, Isolated from the Kan-nawa Hot Spring in Japan. Genome Announc, 1(3) pii: e00311-13 doi: 10.1128/genomeA.00311-13 (2013) 査読有
- Kishikawa J, Ibuki T, Nakamura S, Nakanishi A, Minamino T, Miyata T, Namba K, Konno H, Ueno H, *Imada K and Yokoyama K. Common evolutionary origin for the rotor domain of rotary ATPases and flagellar protein export apparatus. PLoS One, 8(5) : e64695 doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0064695 (2013) 査読有
- ●Sakuma M, Imada K, Okumura Y, Uchiya K, Yamashita N, Ogawa K, Hijikata A, Shirai T, Homma M and Nikai T. X-ray structure analysis and characterization of AFUEI, an elastase inhibitor from Aspergillus fumigatus. J Biol Chem, 288(24) :17451-9. doi: 10.1074/jbc.M112.433987 (2013) 査読有
- Watanabe TM, Imada K, Yoshizawa K, Nishiyama M, Kato C, Abe F, Morikawa TJ, Kinoshita M, Fujita H and Yanagida T. Glycine insertion makes yellow fluorescent protein sensitive to hydrostatic pressure. PLoS One, 8(8) :e73212. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0073212 (2013) 査読有
- ●Kinoshita M, Hara N, Imada K, Namba K, Minamino T. Interactions of bacterial flagellar chaperone-substrate complexes with FlhA contribute to co-ordinating assembly of the flagellar filament.. Mol Microbiol, 90(6) :1249-61. doi: 10.1111/mmi.12430 (2013) 査読有
- ●寺島浩行, 本間道夫, 今田勝巳. べん毛モーターの超高速回転を支える超分子リング構造形成のしくみ. 生物物理, 5419-21. doi: 10.2142/biophys.54.019 (2014)
- ●*Minamino T, Kinoshita M, Imada K and Namba K. Interaction between FliI ATPase and a flagellar chaperone FliT during bacterial flagellar protein export. Mol Micorbiol, 83:168-178 (2012) 査読有
- ●Shimada M, Saijo-Hamano Y, Furukawa Y, Minamino T, *Imada K and *Namba K. Functional defect and restoration of temperature-sensitive mutants of FlhA, a subunit of the flagellar protein export apparatus. J Mol Biol, 425:855-865 (2012) 査読有
- ●*Minamino T, Kinoshita M, Hara N, Takeuchi S, Hida A, Koya S, Glenwright H, Imada K, Aldridge PD and Namba K. Interaction of a flagellar chaperone FlgN with FlhA is required for efficient export of its cognate substrates. Mol Micorbiol, 83:775-788 (2012) 査読有
- Matsunami H, *Samatey FA, Nagashima S, Imada K and *Namba K. Crystallization and preliminary X-ray analysis of FlgA, a Periplasmic protein essential for flagellar P-ring assembly. Acta Cryst. F68:310-313 (2012) 査読有
- Valencia SJ, Bitou K, Ishii K, Murakami R, Morishita M, Onai K, Furukawa Y, Imada K, Namba K and *Ishiura M. Phase-dependent generation and transmission of time information by the KaiABC circadian clock oscillator through SasA-KaiC interaction in cyanobacteria. Genes to Cells, 17:398-419 (2012) 査読有
- Murakami R, Mutoh R, Iwase R, Furukawa Y, Imada K, Onai K, Morishita M, Yasui S, Ishii K, Valencia Swain JO, Uzumaki T, Namba K and *Ishiura M. The roles of the dimeric and tetrameric structures of the clock protein KaiB in the generation of circadian oscillations in cyanobacteria. J Biol Chem, 287:29506-29515 (2012) 査読有
- ●Uchida Y, Minamino T, Namba K and *Imada K. Crystallization and preliminary X-ray analysis of the FliH–FliI complex responsible for bacterial flagellar type III protein export. Acta Cryst. F68:1311-1314 (2012) 査読有
- ●今田勝巳, 南野徹, 難波啓一. 輸送シャペロンFliTの構造とべん毛形成制御の分子機構. 日本結晶学会誌, 53:396-401 (2012)
- ●小嶋誠司, 今田勝巳. ペリプラズム側構造から見たべん毛モーター構築とモーターの活性化機構. 生物物理,52(1):18-21 (2012) 査読有
- ● 今田勝巳, 南野徹. べん毛モーターの逆回転のしくみに挑む -熱い論争と3つのモデル. 化学, 67:37-41 (2012) 査読無
- ●*Imada K, Minamino T and Namba K. The flagellar type II protein export apparatus and F/V type ATPases share a common architecture. SPring-8 Research Frontier 2011 24-25 (2012) 査読無
A03 中山班
- Gorasia DG, Veith PD, Hanssen EG, Glew MD, Sato K, Yukitake H, Nakayama K, and *Reynolds EC. Structural Insights into the PorK and PorN Components of the Porphyromonas gingivalis Type IX Secretion System. PLoS Pathog, 12(8):e1005820 (2016) 査読有
- Xu Q, Shoji M, Shibata S, Naito M, Sato K, Elsliger MA, Grant JC, Axelrod HL, Chiu HJ, Farr CL, Jaroszewski L, Knuth MW, Deacon AM, Godzik A, Lesley SA, Curtis MA, *Nakayama K and *Wilson IA. A distinct type of pilus from the human microbiome. Cell, 165(3):690-703¸ (2016) 査読有
- Kadowaki T, Yukitake H, Naito M, Sato K, Kikuchi Y, Kondo Y, Shoji M and *Nakayama K. A two-component system regulates gene expression of the type IX secretion component proteins via an ECF sigma factor. Sci Rep, 6:23288¸ (2016) 査読有
- Shoji M and *Nakayama K. Glycobiology of the oral pathogen Porphyromonas gingivalis and related speciesr. Microb Pathog, 94:35-41 (2016) 査読有
- *Naito M, Ogura Y, Itoh T, Shoji M, Okamoto M, Hayashi T and Nakayama K. The complete genome sequencing of Prevotella intermedia strain OMA14 and a subsequent fine-scale intra-species genomic comparison reveal an unusual amplification of conjugative and mobile transposons and identity of a novel Prevotella-lineage specific repeat. DNA Res, 23(1):11-19¸ (2016) 査読有
- Kita D, Shibata S, Kikuchi Y, Kokubu E, Nakayama K, Saito A and *Ishihara K. Involvement of the Type IX Secretion System in Capnocytophaga ochracea Gliding Motility and Biofilm Formation. Appl Environ Microbiol, 82(6):1756-66 (2016) 査読有
- Taguchi Y, Sato K, Yukitake H, Inoue T, Nakayama M, Naito M, Kondo Y, Kano K, Hoshino T, Nakayama K, Takashiba S and *Ohara N. Involvement of an Skp-like protein, PGN_0300, in the type IX secretion system of Porphyromonas gingivalis. Infect Immun, 84(1):230-240 (2015) 査読有
- Nakayama M, Inoue T, Naito M, Nakayama K and *Ohara N. Attenuation of the phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase/Akt signaling pathway by Porphyromonas gingivalis gingipains RgpA, RgpB, and Kgp. J Biol Chem, 290(8):5190-202 (2015) 査読有
- Onozawa S, Kikuchi Y, Shibayama K, Kokubu E, Nakayama M, Inoue T, Nakano K, Shibata Y, Ohara N, Nakayama K, Ishihara K, Kawakami T and *Hasegawa H. Role of extracytoplasmic function sigma factors in biofilm formation of Porphyromonas gingivalis. BMC Oral Health, 15:4 (2015) 査読有
- *Nakayama K. Porphyromonas gingivalis and related bacteria: from colonial pigmentation to the type IX secretion system and gliding motility. J Periodontal Res, 50(1):1-8 (2015) 査読有
- Fujita Y, Nakayama M, Naito M, Yamachika E, Inoue T, Nakayama K,Iida S and *Ohara N. Hemoglobin receptor protein from Porphyromonas gingivalis induces interleukin-8 production in human gingival epithelial cells through stimulation of the mitogen-activated protein kinase and NF-κB signal transduction pathways. Infect Immun, 82(1):202-211 (2015) 査読有
- Ohara-Nemoto Y, Rouf SM, Naito M, Yanase A, Tetsuo F, Ono T, Kobayakawa T, Shimoyama Y, Kimura S, Nakayama K, Saiki K, Konishi K and *Nemoto TK. Identification and characterization of prokaryotic dipeptidyl-peptidase 5 from Porphyromonas gingivalis. J Biol Chem, 289(9):5436-5448 (2015) 査読有
- Nonaka M, Shoji M, Kadowaki T, Sato K, Yukitake H, Naito M and *Nakayama K. Analysis of a Lys-specific serine endopeptidase secreted via the type IX secretion system in Porphyromonas gingivalis. FEMS Microbiol Lett, 354:60-68 (2014) 査読有
- *Shoji M, Sato K, Yukitake H, Naito M and Nakayama K. Involvement of the Wbp pathway in the biosynthesis of Porphyromonas gingivalis lipopolysaccharide with anionic polysaccharide. Sci Rep, 4:5056 (2014) 査読有
- Narita Y, Sato K, Yukitake H, Shoji M, Nakane D, Nagano K, Yoshimura F, Naito M and *Nakayama K. Lack of a surface layer in Tannerella forsythia mutants deficient in the type IX secretion system. Microbiology-SGM, 160(10):2295-2303 (2014) 査読有
- Tagawa J, Inoue T, Naito M, Sato K, Kuwahara T, Nakayama M, Nakayama K, Yamashiro T and *Ohara N. Development of a novel plasmid vector pTIO-1 adapted for electrotransformation of Porphyromonas gingivalis. J Microbiol Methods, 105:174-9 (2014) 査読有
- Sato K, Yukitake H, Narita Y, Shoji M, Naito M and *Nakayama K. Identification of Porphyromonas gingivalis proteins secreted by the Por secretion system. FEMS Microbiol Lett, 338(1): 68-76¸ (2013) 査読有
- ●Nakane D, Sato K, Wada H, *McBride MJ, *Nakayama K. Helical flow of surface protein required for bacterial gliding motility. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA, 110(27): 11145-11150¸ (2013) 査読有
- Shoji M, Yukitake H, Sato K,Shibata Y, Naito M, Aduse-Opoku J, Abiko Y, Curtis MA, and Nakayama K. Identification of an O-antigen chain length regulator, WzzP, in Porphyromonas gingivalis. MicrobiologyOpen, 2(3): 383-401¸ (2013) 査読有
- Ohara-Nemoto Y, Rouf SM, Naito M, Yanase A, Tetsuo F, Ono T, Kobayakawa T, Shimoyama Y, Kimura S, Nakayama K, Saiki K, Konishi K and Nemoto TK. Identification and characterization of prokaryotic dipeptidyl-peptidase 5 from Porphyromonas gingivalis. J Biol Chem, 289(9): 5436-5448¸ (2013) 査読有
- *Sakai E, Shimada-Sugawara M, Nishishita K, Fukuma Y, Naito M, Okamoto K, Nakayama K and Tsukuba T. Suppression of RANKL-dependent heme oxygenase-1 is required for high mobility group box 1 release and osteoclastogenesis. J Cell Biochem, 113: 486-498 (2012). 査読有
A03 福森班
- 田岡東, 福森義宏. 細菌の磁気感応運動のためのオルガネラ「マグネトソーム」. 生物工学 96(5): 248-252. (2018) 査読有
- Eguchi Y, Fukumori Y and *Taoka A. Measuring magnetosomal pH of the magnetotactic bacterium Magnetospirillum magneticum AMB-1 using pH-sensitive fluorescent proteins. Bioscience, Biotechnology and Biochemistry 82(7): 1243-1251 (2018) 査読有
- 田岡東, 福森義宏. 細菌のアクチン様細胞骨格による磁気オルガネラの配置とその役割. 生物物理 58(2): 91-93. (2018) 査読有
- Taoka A, Kiyokawa A, Uesugi C, Kikuchi Y, Oestreicher A, Morii K, Eguchi Y and Fukumori Y. Tethered magnets are the key to magnetotaxis: direct observations of Magnetospirillum magneticum AMB-1 show that MamK distributes magnetosome organelles equally to daughter cells. mBio 8(4): e00679-17 (2017) 査読有
- Mohamed M S, Kobayashi A, Taoka A, Watanabe-Nakayama T, Kikuchi Y, Hazawa M, Minamoto T, Fukumori Y, Kodera N, Uchihashi T, Ando T and Wong R W. High-speed atomic force microscopy reveals loss of nuclear pore resilience as a dying code in colorectal cancer cells. ACS Nano 11(6):5567-5578 (2017) 査読有
- Nguyen H V, Suzuki E, Oestreicher A, Minamide H, Endoh H, Fukumori Y and * Taoka A. A protein-protein interaction in magnetosomes: TPR protein MamA interacts with an Mms6 protein. Biochemistry and Biophysics Reports. 7:39-44(2016) 査読有
- Oestreicher Z, Taoka A, and *Fukumori Y. A comparison of the surface nanostructure from two different types of gram-negative cells: Escherichia coli and Rhodobacter sphaeroides. Micron, 72:8-14 (2015) 査読有
- 田岡 東、*福森 義宏. 高速原子間力顕微鏡を用いたバクテリアの生細胞イメージング 化学と生物(農芸化学会誌), 53(5):293-298 (2015) 査読有
- Taoka A, Kondo J, Oestreicher Z and *Fukumori Y. Characterization of uncultured giant rod-shaped magnetotactic Gammaproteobacteria from a freshwater pond in Kanazawa, Japan. Microbiology, 160:no. Pt 10 2226-2234(2014) 査読有
- Taoka A, Eguchi Y, Mise S, Oestreicher Z, Uno F, and *Fukumori Y. A magnetosome-associated cytochrome MamP is critical for magnetite crystal growth during the exponential growth phase. FEMS Microbiology Letters, 358: 21-29 査読有
- Numoto N, Nakagawa T, Ohara R, Hasegawa T, Kita A, Yoshida T, Maruyama T, Imai K, Fukumori Y and Miki K. The structure of a deoxygenated 400 kDa hemoglobin reveals ternary and quaternary structural changes of giant hemoglobins. Accepted for publication in Acta Crystallographica, D70: 1823-1831 (2014) 査読有
- Sato N, Ishii S, Sugimoto H, Hino T, Fukumori Y, Sako Y, Shiro Y, Tosha T. Structures of reduced and ligand-bound nitric oxide reductase provide insights into functional differences in respiratory enzymes. Proteins, Article first published online: 15 JAN 2014, doi: 10.1002/prot.24492. 査読有
- Noguchi A, Ikeda A, Mezaki M, Fukumori Y, and *Kanemori M. DnaJ-promoted binding of DnaK to multiple sites on σ32 in the presence of ATP. J Bacteriol, 196(9):1694-1703(2014) 査読有
- *福森義宏, 田岡東 磁性細菌オルガネラ「マグネトソーム」の構造機能相関の解明 生物物理, 54(1): 11-14 (2014) 査読有
- Sakaguchi S, Taoka A and *Fukumori Y. Analysis of magnetotactic behavior by swimming assay. Biosci Biotech and Biochem, 77: 940-947 (2013) 査読有
- 福森義宏 アトモスフィア:「生化学実験」と「モノづくり」のイノベーション 生化学, 85(11):959 (2013) 査読無
- Yamanaka M, Ishizaki Y, Nakagawa T, Taoka A and Fukumori Y. Purification and characterization of coacervate-forming cuticular proteins from Papilio xuthus Pupae. Zoological Sci, 30: 534-542 (2013) 査読有
- Yamashita H, Taoka A, Uchihashi T, Asano T, Ando T and *Fukumori Y. Single-Molecule Imaging on Living Bacterial Cell Surface by High-Speed AFM. J Mol Biol, 422:300-309(2012) 査読有
- Suzuki H, Ikeda A, Tsuchimoto S, Adachi K, Noguchi A, Fukumori Y and *Kanemori M. Synergistic binding of DnaJ and DnaK chaperone to the heat shock transcription factor σ32 assures its characteristic high metabolic instability: Implications for the heat shock protein 70 (Hsp70)-Hsp40 mode of function. J Biol Chem, 287:19275-19283(2012) 査読有
A03 上田班
- Kijima ST, Staiger CJ, Katoh K, Nagasaki A, Ito K and *Uyeda TQP. Arabidopsis vegetative actin isoforms, AtACT2 and AtACT7, generate distinct filament arrays in living plant cells. Scientific reports 8: 4381. (2018) 査読有
- Kuragano M, Uyeda TQP, Kamijo K, Murakami Y and *Takahashi M. Different contributions of nonmuscle myosin IIA and IIB to the organization of stress fiber subtypes in fibroblasts. Molecular Biology of the Cell 29: 911-922. (2018) 査読有
- Shen Y, Cheng Y, Uyeda TQP and Plaza GR. Cell mechanosensors and the possibilities of using magnetic nanoparticles to study them and to modify cell fate. Ann Biomed Eng 45(10): 2475-2486. (2017) 査読有
- Nagasaki A, Kijima S, Yumoto T, Imaizumi M, Yamagishi A, Kim H, Nakamura C, and Uyeda TQP. The position of the GFP tag on actin affects the filament formation in mammalian cells. Cell Struct Func, 42(2): 131-140. (2017) 査読有
- Hirakawa R, Nishikawa Y, Uyeda TQP and Tokuraku K. Unidirectional growth of heavy meromyosin (HMM) clusters along actin filaments revealed by real-time fluorescence microscopy. Cytoskeleton, 74(12): 482-489 (2017) 査読有
- Iwase K, Tanaka M, Hirose K, Uyeda TQP and Honda H. Acceleration of the sliding movement of actin filaments with the use of a non-motile mutant myosin in in vitro motility assays driven by skeletal muscle heavy meromyosin. PLoS One 12:e0181171 (2017) 査読有
- Shen, Y, Wu, C, Uyeda TQP, *Plaza GR, Liu B, Han Y, Lesniak MS. and *Cheng Y. Elongated Nanoparticle Aggregates in Cancer Cells for Mechanical Destruction with Low Frequency Rotating Magnetic Field. Theranostics, 7:1735-1748 (2017) 査読有
- Uyeda TQP. Role of dynamic and cooperative conformational changes in actin filaments. In Muscle Contraction and Cell Motility (Sugi H, Ed). 415–444 (2016) 査読無
Shibata K, Nagasaki A, Adachi H, Uyeda TQP. Actin binding domain of filamin distinguishes posterior from anterior actin filaments in migrating Dictyostelium cells. Biophys. Physicobiol., 13:321-331 (2016) 査読有
- Huang S, Umemoto R, Tamura Y, Kofuku Y, Uyeda TQP, Nishida N, and Shimada I. Structure determination of an actin-binding protein in complex with G-actin using paramagnetic relaxation enhancement-derived distance constraints. Sci. Reports, 6:33960 (2016) 査読有
- ●Ngo KX, Umeki N, Kijima ST, Kodera N, Ueno H, Furutani-Umezu N, Nakajima J, Noguchi TQP, Nagasaki A, Tokuraku K, Uyeda TQP. Allosteric regulation by cooperative conformational changes of actin filaments drives mutually exclusive binding with cofilin and myosin. Sci. Reports, 6:35449 (2016) 査読有
- *Umeki, N., Hirose, K. and Uyeda TQP. Cofilin-induced cooperative conformational changes of actin subunits revealed using cofilin-actin fusion protein. Sci. Reports, 6 :20406 (2016) 査読有
- Kijima ST, Hirose K, Kong SG, Wada M and *Uyeda TQP. Distinct biochemical properties of Arabidopsis thaliana actin isoforms. Plant Cell Physiol 57(1):46-56 (2016) 査読有
- *Plaza GR, *Uyeda TQP, Mirzaei Z and Simmons CA. Study of the influence of actin-binding proteins using linear analyses of cell deformability. Soft Matter, 11(27):5435-5446 (2015) 査読有
- *Noguchi TQP, Morimatsu M, Iwane AH, Yanagida T and Uyeda TQP. The Role of Structural Dynamics of Actin in Class-Specific Myosin Motility. PLoS One, 10(5):e0126262 (2015) 査読有
- Ohnuki-Nagasaki R, *Nagasaki A, Hakamada K, *Uyeda TQP, Miyake M, Miyake J and Fujita S. Identification of kinases and regulatory protiens required for cell migration using a transfected cell-microarray system. BMC Genomics, 2015 16:9(2015) 査読有
- ●Ngo KX, *Kodera N, Katayama E, Ando T and *Uyeda TQP. Cofilin-induced unidirectional cooperative conformational changes in actin filaments revealed by high-speed atomic force microscopy. eLife, 2015 4:e04806(2015) 査読有
- ●Gomibuchi Y, Uyeda TQP and Wakabayashi T. Bulkiness or aromatic nature of tyrosine-143 of actin is important for the weak binding between F-actin and myosin-ADP-phosphate. Biochem. Biophys. Res., 441:844-848 (2013) 査読有
- 上田太郎. アクチンフィラメントの構造多型と機能分化. 生物物理, 54:100-103 (2013) 査読有
- Shiozaki N, Nakano K, Kushida Y, Noguchi TQP, Uyeda TQP, Wloga D, Dave D, Vasudevan KK, Gaertig J and *Numata O. ADF/cofilin is not essential but is crucially important for actin activities during phagocytosis in Tetrahymena thermophila. Eukaryotic Cell, 12(8):1080-6 (2013) 査読有
- Umeki N, Nakajima J, Noguchi TQP, Tokuraku K, Nagasaki A, Ito K, Hirose K, *Uyeda TQP. Rapid nucleotide exchange renders Asp11 mutant actins resistant to depolymerizing activity of cofilin, leading to dominant toxicity in vivo. J Biol Chem 288(3):1739-49, (2012) 査読有
- ● Noguchi TQP, Komori T, Umeki N, Demizu N, Ito K, Iwane AH, Tokuraku K, Yanagida T and *Uyeda TQP. G146V mutation at the hinge region of actin reveals a myosin class-specific requirement of actin conformations for motility. J Biol Chem 287(29):24339-24345 (2012) 査読有
- *Plaza G and *Uyeda TQP. Contraction velocity of the actomyosin cytoskeleton in the absence of cell membrane. Soft Matter 9(17):4390-4400 (2013) 査読有
- Taguchi R, Hatayama K, Takahashi T, Hayashi T, Sato Y, Sato D, Ohta K, Nakano H, Seki C, Endo Y, Tokuraku K and Uwai K. Structure–activity relations of rosmarinic acid derivatives for the amyloid β aggregation inhibition and antioxidant properties. Eur J Med Chem, 138: 1066-1075 (2017) 査読有
- Hirakawa R, Nishikawa Y, Uyeda TQP and Tokuraku K. Unidirectional growth of heavy meromyosin (HMM) clusters along actin filaments revealed by real-time fluorescence microscopy. Cytoskeleton, 74(12):482-489 (2017) 査読有
- ●Ngo KX, Umeki N, Kijima ST, Kodera N, Ueno H, Furutani-Umezu N, Nakajima J, Noguchi TQP, Nagasaki A, Tokuraku K, Uyeda TQP. Allosteric regulation by cooperative conformational changes of actin filaments drives mutually exclusive binding with cofilin and myosin. Sci. Reports, 6:35449 (2016) 査読有
- Hashi Y, Kotani S and Tokuraku K. Molecular Evolution of a Group of Microtubule-Associated Proteins Sharing Partial Similarities in their Primary Structures. Sci J Kanagawa Univ 26: 1-6 (2015)査読有
- Inoue D, Mahmot B, Kabir AM, Farhana TI, Tokuraku K, Sada K, Konagaya A and *Kakugo A. Depletion force induced collective motion of microtubules driven by kinesin. Nanoscale, 7(43):180054-180061 (2015) 査読有
- Ogara T, Takahashi T, Yasui H, Uwai K and *Tokuraku K. Evaluation of the effects of amyloid β aggregation from seaweed extracts by a microliter-scale high-throughput screening system with a quantum dot nanoprobe. J Biosci Bioeng. 120(1):45-50 (2014) 査読有
- Ishigaki Y, Tanaka H, Akama H, Ogara T, Uwai K and *Tokuraku K. A microliter-scale high-throughput screening system with quantum-dot nanoprobes for amyloid-β aggregation inhibitors. PLOS ONE, 8(8):e72992 (2013) 査読有
- ●Umeki N, Nakajima J, Noguchi TQP, Tokuraku K, Nagasaki A, Ito K, Hirose K and *Uyeda TQP. Rapid nucleotide exchange renders Asp11 mutant actins resistant to depolymerizing activity of cofilin, leading to dominant toxicity in vivo. J Biol Chem, 288(3):1739-49 (2013) 査読有
- Tokuraku K and *Ikezu T. Imaging of amyloid-β aggregation using a novel quantum dot nanoprobe and its advanced applications. Bionanoimaging, 1st edition, Protein Misfolding & Aggregation, Academic Press: 121-131 (2013) 査読無
- *Nakagawa H, Matsushima K, Iwasaki M, Shimohigashi M, Tokuraku K and Kotani S. Deletion in the Pro-rich Region of Microtubule-associated Protein 4 Influences Its Distribution in Neural Growth Cone. Fukuoka University Science Reports, 43:67-72 (2013) 査読有
- ●Noguchi TQP, Komori T, Umeki N, Demizu N, Ito K, Iwane AH, Tokuraku K, Yanagida T and *Uyeda TQP. G146V mutation at the hinge region of actin reveals a myosin class-specific requirement of actin conformations for motility. J Biol Chem 287(29):24339-24345 (2012) 査読有
- Nakamura R, Kijima S, Kiyoyama S and *Tokuraku K. Functional Assessment of Waste Molten Slag as a Water Preservative. J Japan Soc Material Cycles and Waste Management, 23(1):25-32 (2012) 査読有
- Matsushima K, Tokuraku K, Hasan MR and *Kotani S. Microtubule-associated protein 4 binds to actin filaments and modulates their properties. J Biochem 151(1):99-108 (2012) 査読有
長崎 晃
- Nagasaki A, Kijima S, Yumoto T, Imaizumi M, Yamagishi A, Kim H, Nakamura C, and Uyeda TQP. The position of the GFP tag on actin affects the filament formation in mammalian cells. Cell Struct Func, 42(2):131-140. (2017) 査読有
- *Kim H, Yamagishi A, Imaizumi M, Onomura Y, Nagasaki A, Miyagi Y, Okada T and Nakamura C. Quantitative measurements of intercellular adhesion between a macrophage and cancer cells using a cup-attached AFM chip. Colloids Surf B Biointerfaces 155:366-372 (2017) 査読有
野口 太郎
- ●Ngo KX, Umeki N, Kijima ST, Kodera N, Ueno H, Furutani-Umezu N, Nakajima J, Noguchi TQP, Nagasaki A, Tokuraku K, Uyeda TQP. Allosteric regulation by cooperative conformational changes of actin filaments drives mutually exclusive binding with cofilin and myosin. Sci. Reports, 6:35449 (2016) 査読有
- *Noguchi TQP, Morimatsu M, Iwane AH, Yanagida T and Uyeda TQP. The Role of Structural Dynamics of Actin in Class-Specific Myosin Motility. PLoS One, 10(5):e0126262 (2015) 査読有
A01 豊島班
- Kobayashi T, Miyashita T, Murayama T and *Toyoshima YY. Dynactin has two antagonistic regulatory domains and exerts opposing effects on dynein motility. PLOS One 12(8), e0183672, 1-16. (2017) 査読有
A01 稲葉班
稲葉 一男
- Shiba K and *Inaba K. Inverse relationship of Ca2+-dependent flagellar response between animal sperm and prasinophyte algae. J. Plant Res. 130(3): 465-473 (2017) 査読有
- ●Konno A, Ikegami K, Konishi Y, Yang HJ, Abe M, Yamazaki M, Sakimura K, Yao I, Shiba K, Inaba K and *Setou M. Doublet 7 shortening, doublet 5-preferential poly-Glu reduction, and beating stall of sperm flagella in Ttll9-/- mice. J. Cell Sci. 129(14): 2757-66 (2016) 査読有
- Kinoshita N, Shiba K, Inaba K, Fu G, Nagasato C and *Motomura T. Flagellar waveforms of gametes in the brown alga Ectocarpus siliculosus. Eur J Phycol, 51(2): 139-148 (2016) 査読有
- Konno A, Shiba K, Cai C and *Inaba K. Branchial cilia and sperm flagella recruit distinct axonemal components. PLoS One 10(5): e0126005 (2015) 査読有
- *Inaba Kand Mizuno K. Sperm Dysfunction and Ciliopathy. Reprod Med Biol 15(2): 77-94 (2015) 査読有
- *Inaba K, Kutomi O, Shiba K and Cosson J. Sperm guidance: comparison with motility regulation in bikont species. In: Flagellar Mechanics and Sperm Guidance (Cosson J, Ed), Bentham Science Publishers, pp.349-389 (2015) 査読無
- Miyata H, Satouh Y, Mashiko D, Muto M, Nozawa K, Shiba K, Fujihara Y, Isotani A, Inaba K and *Ikawa M. Sperm calcineurin inhibition prevents mouse fertility with implications for male contraceptive. Science. 350(6259): 442-445 (2015) 査読有
- *Inaba K. Calcium sensors of ciliary outer arm dynein: functions and phylogenetic considerations for eukaryotic evolution. Cilia 4:6 (2015) 査読有
- Cosson J, Prokopchuk G and Inaba K. The flagellar mechanics of spermatozoa and its regulation. In: Flagellar Mechanics and Sperm Guidance (Cosson J, Ed), Bentham SciencePublishers,2015 Nov; pp.3-134. doi: 10.2174/97816810812811150101 査読無
A01 新井班
- Haberz P, Arai M, Martinez-Yamout MA, Dyson HJ and Wright PE. Mapping the interactions of adenoviral E1A proteins with the p160 nuclear receptor coactivator binding domain of CBP. Protein Sci. 25(12): 2256-2267 (2016) 査読有
- Otosu T, Ishii K, Oikawa H, Arai M, Takahashi S and Tahara T. Highly heterogeneous nature of the native and unfolded states of B domain of protein A revealed by two-dimensional fluorescence lifetime correlation spectroscopy. J. Phys. Chem. B. 121(22):5463-5473 (2017) 査読有
- *Arai M, Sugase K, Dyson HJ and *Wright PE. Conformational propensities of intrinsically disordered proteins influence the mechanism of binding and folding. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 112(31):9614-19 (2015) 査読有
- Oikawa H, Kamagata K, Arai M and *Takahashi S. Complexity of the folding transition of the B domain of protein A revealed by the high-speed tracking of single-molecule fluorescence time series. J Phys Chem B 119(20):6081-91 (2015) 査読有
A01 池上班
- ●Konno A, Ikegami K, Konishi Y, Yang HJ, Abe M, Yamazaki M, Sakimura K, Yao I, Shiba K, Inaba K and *Setou M. Ttll9-/- mice sperm flagella show shortening of doublet 7, reduction of doublet 5 polyglutamylation and a stall in beating. J Cell Sci 129: 2757-2766 (2016) 査読有
A01 西山班
- *Nishiyama M. High-pressure microscopy for tracking dynamic properties of molecular machines. Biophysicla Chemistry 231: 71-78. (2017) 査読有
- Fujii S, Masanari-Fujii M. Kobayashi S, Kato C, Nishiyama M, Harada Y, Wakai S and *Sambongi Y. Commonly stabilized monomeric cytochromes c from deep-sea Shewanella and Pseudomonas. Bioscience, Biotechnology, and Biochemisty 82(5): 792-799. (2018) 査読有
- *Nishiyama M. Chapter 19: cControlling motility of ATP-driven molecular motors with high hydrostatic pressure. Makoto Suzuki (ed.). The role of water in ATP hydrolysis energy transduction. Springer 325-337. (2018) 査読有
- *Takiguchi K, Hayashi M, Kazayama Y, Toyota T, Harada Y and Nishiyama M. Morphological control of microtubule-encapsulating giant vesicles by changing hydrostatic pressure. Biological and Pharmaveutical Bulletin 41(3): 288-293. (2018) 査読有
- *西山雅祥, 金井保,竹川宣宏. 細菌の祖先がもつ運動マシナリーを現代に蘇らせる. 生物工学会誌 96(4): 11-14. (2018).査読無
- *西山雅祥. 高圧力顕微鏡法によるタンパク質分子機械の回転制御『高度物理刺激と生体応答』養賢堂 (2017) 査読無
- *Nishiyama M and Arai Y. Tracking the movement of a single prokaryotic cell at extreme environmental conditions. Methods in Molecular Biology 1593: 175-84 (2017) 査読有
- 西山雅祥,瀧口金吾,林真人. 高圧力顕微鏡法による微小管のダイナミックコントロール, 顕微鏡 51(2): 118-121 (2016) 査読有
- Hayashi M, *Nishiyama M, Kazayama Y, Toyota T, Harada Y and *Takiguchi K. Reversible Morphological Control of Tubulin-Encapsulating Giant Liposomes by Hydrostatic Pressure. Langmuir 32(15):3794-802 (2016) 査読有
- *西山雅祥. 高圧力技術を用いた生命活動操作イメージング. 現代化学 538:48-49 (2015) 査読無
- *西山雅祥. フォースでいのちはあやつれるか? 白眉センターだより 10:13 (2015) 査読無
- *西山雅祥. タンパク質分子機械の力学変調計測. 機械の研究 67(12):1069-72 (2015) 査読無
- *西山雅祥. 高圧力顕微鏡の開発と生物ナノマシンの運動観察. 高圧力の科学と技術 25(2):126-135 (2015) 査読有
●Takekawa N, Nishiyama M, Kaneseki T, Kanai T, Atomi H, Kojima S and *Homma M. Sodium-driven energy conversion for flagellar rotation of the earliest diverg ent hyperthermophilic bacterium. Scientific Reports 5 12711(2015) 査読有
- 兼廣春之,関口峻允,加藤千明. プラスチックによる海洋汚染〜生分解性プラスチックの利用〜. BioPla Journal 61(5): 5-9 (2016) 査読無
- 大前英司,宮下由里奈,加藤千明.【解説】酵素の構造安定性と機能におけるキャビティーと水和の役割—深海微生物由来酵素からの知見—. 熱測定 43(2): 59-65 (2016) 査読無
- 加藤千明. 深海微生物の特徴と生産する酵素の高水圧適応メカニズム. 食品と容器 57(5): 282-288 (2016) 査読無
- Hamajima Y, Nagae T, Watabane N, Ohmae E, Kato-Yamada Y and Kato C. Pressure adaptation of 3-isopropylmalate dehydrogenase from an extremely piezophilic bacterium is attributed to a single amino acid substitution. Extremophiles. 20(2):177-86 (2016) 査読有
- Ohmae E, Gekko K and Kato C. Environmental adaptation of dihydrofolate reductase from deep-sea bacteria.High Pressure Bioscience– Basic Concepts, Applications and Frontiers. Subcell Biochem. 72:423-42 Springer (2015) 査読有
- 永江峰幸, 濱島裕輝, 河村高志, 丹羽健, 長谷川正, 加藤千明, 渡邉信久. 高圧下蛋白質結晶構造解析法による蛋白質構造研究:加圧による3-isopropylmalate dehydrogenaseの水和構造変化の観測と深海微生物由来酵素の圧力適応機構の解明. 高圧バイオサイエンスとバイオテクノロジー. (野村一樹、藤澤哲郎、岩橋均 編), 三恵社 145-52 (2015) 査読有
- 大前英司, 宮下由里奈, 月向邦彦, 加藤千明. 深海微生物由来ジヒドロ葉酸還元酵素の高圧力適応機構. 高圧バイオサイエンスとバイオテクノロジー. (野村一樹、藤澤哲郎、岩橋均 編), 三恵社 130-44 (2015) 査読有
- Koyama S, Tsubouchi T, Usui K, Uematsu K, Tame A, Nogi Y, Ohta Y, Hatada Y, Kato C, Miwa T, Toyofuku T, Nagahama T, Konishi M, Nagano Y and Abe F. Involvement of flocculin in negative potential-applied ITO electrode adhesion of yeast cells. FEMS Yeast Res. 15(6) doi: 10.1093/femsyr/fov064 (2015) 査読有
- Sato H, Nakasone K, Yoshida T, Kato C and Maruyama T. Increases of heat shock proteins and their mRNAs at high hydrostatic pressure in a deep-sea piezophilic bacterium, Shewanella violacea. Extremophiles. 19(4):751-762 (2015) 査読有
A01 神谷班
- Hunter EL, Lechtreck K, Fu G, Hwang J, Lin H, Gokhale A, Alford LM, Lewis B, Yamamoto R, Kamiya R, Yang F, Nicastro D, Dutcher SK, Wirschell M and *Sale WS. The IDA3 adapter, required for IFT transport of I1 dynein, is regulated by ciliary length. Molecular Biology of the Cell 15: 886-896. (2018) 査読有
- *Kamiya R, Shiba K, Inaba K and Kato-Minoura T. Release of sticky glycoproteins from Chlamydomonas flagella during microsphere translocation on the surface membrane. Zoological Science in press. (2018) 査読有
- ●Yagi T and Kamiya R. Diversity of Chlamydomonas Axonemal Dyneins In Dynein Handbook 2nd ed. (Ed. K. Hirose and L. Amos) Pan Stanford Publishing, in press (2017) 査読無
- ●Yagi T and Kamiya R. Genetic Approaches to Axonemal Dynein Function in Chlamydomonas and Other Organisms In Dyneins: Structure, Biology and Disease (2nd ed.) (Ed. S. M. King) Academic Press, in press. (2017) 査読無
- Kamiya R. Axonemal Motility Reference Module in Life Sciences Elsevier doi:10.1016/B978-0-12-809633-8.08070-5 (2017) 査読無
- Kubo T, Hirono M, Aikawa T, Kamiya R and *Witman GB. Reduced tubulin polyglutamylation suppresses flagellar shortness in Chlamydomonas. Mol Biol Cell. 26(15):2810-2822 (2015) 査読有
- ●Ichikawa M, Saito K, Yanagisawa H, Yagi T, Kamiya R, Yamaguchi S, Yajima J, Kushida Y, Nakano K, Numata O and *Toyoshima YY. Axonemal Dynein Light Chain-1 Locates at the Microtubule Binding Domain of the γ Heavy Chain. Mol Biol Cell. 26(23):4236-4247 (2015) 査読有
A01 見理班
- *Kenri T, Suzuki S, Horino A, Sekizuka T, Kuroda M, Fujii H, Hashimoto T, Nakajima H, Ohya H and Shibayama K. Complete genome sequences of the p1 gene type 2b and 2c strains Mycoplasma pneumoniae KCH-402 and KCH-405. Genome Announc. 5(24) pii: e00513-17 (2017) 査読無
- *Zhang J, Song X, Ma MJ, Xiao L, Kenri T, Sun H, Ptacek T, Li S, Waites KB, Atkinson TP, Shibayama K, Dybvig K and Feng Y.Inter- and intra-strain variability of tandem repeats in Mycoplasma pneumoniae based on next-generation sequencing data. Future Microbiol. 12:119-129 (2017) 査読有
- Yamazaki T and *Kenri T. Epidemiology of Mycoplasma pneumoniae infections in Japan and therapeutic strategies for macrolide-resistant M. pneumoniae. Front Microbiol. 7:693 (2016) 査読有
- 見理 剛. ヒトマイコプラズマ感染症の疫学. 最新マイコプラズマ学. p.191-197 近代出版 (2016) 査読無
- 見理 剛. ヒトマイコプラズマ感染症の疫学. 最新マイコプラズマ学. p. 82-87 近代出版 (2016) 査読無
- ●★Nakane D, Kenri T, Matsuo L and *Miyata M. Systematic structural analyses of attachment organelle in Mycoplasma pneumoniae. PLoS Pathog. 11(12):e1005299 (2015) 査読有
- *Ishiguro N, Koseki N, Kaiho M, Kikuta H, Togashi T, Oba K, Morita K, Nagano N, Nakanishi M, Hazama K, Watanabe T, Sasaki S, Horino A, Kenri T, Ariga T and Hokkaido Pediatric Respiratory Infection Study Group. Regional differences in rates of macrolide-resistant Mycoplasma pneumoniae in Hokkaido, Japan. Jpn J Infect Dis. Jul 10: [Epub ahead of print] (2015) 査読有
- *堺 隆大, 石田 直, 有田真知子, 橘 洋正, 吉岡 弘鎮, 野山 麻紀, 時岡 史明, 伊藤 明広, 古田健二郎, 西山 明宏, 橋本徹, 藤井寛之, 中嶋 洋, 見理 剛, 柴山 恵吾. 市中病院における Mycoplasma pneumoniae の抗菌薬感受性および 臨床経過に関する検討. 感染症学雑誌. 89(4): 458-464 (2015) 査読有
A02 渡邉班
- *Watanabe R, Soga N, Ohdate S and *Noji H. Single molecule analysis of membrane transporter activity by using a microsystem. Methods in Molecular Biology 1700:321-330 (2018) 査読有
- *Watanabe R, Soga N, Hara M and *Noji H. Arrayed water-in-oil droplet bilayers for membrane transport analysis. Lab on a Chip DOI: 10.1039/C6LC00155F (2016) 査読有
- Li CB, Ueno H, Watanabe R, Noji H and *Komatsuzaki T. ATP hydrolysis assists Phosphate release and promotes reaction ordering in F1-ATPase. Nature Communications 6:10223 (2015) 査読有
- *Watanabe R, Soga N and *Noji H. Novel nano-device to measure voltage-driven membrane transporter activity. IEEE transactions on nanotechnology pp(99) (2015) 査読有
- Soga N, *Watanabe R and *Noji H. Attolitre-sized lipid bilayer chamber array for rapid detection of single transporters. Scientific Reports 5:11025 (2015) 査読有
A02 錦見班
- *Okumura F, Uematsu K, Byrne SD, Hirano M, Joo-Okumura A, Nishikimi A, Parallel regulation of VHL disease by pVHL-mediated degradation of B-Myb and HIF-α. Mol Cell Biol. 36(12)1803-17 (2015) 査読有
- Ishihara S, Nishikimi A, Umemoto E, Miyasaka M, Saegusa M and *Katagiri K. Dual functions of Rap1 are crucial for T-cell homeostasis and prevention of spontaneous colitis. Nat Commun. 6:8982 (2015) 査読有
A02 曽和班
- Nord AL, *Sowa Y, Steel BC, Lo CJ and *Berry RM. Speed of the bacterial flagellar motor near zero load depends on the number of stator units. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 114(44): 11603-11608. (2017) 査読有
- Kasai T and *Sowa Y. Measurements of the Rotation of the Flagellar Motor by Bead Assay. Methods Mol Biol 1593:185-192 (2017) 査読無
- Ma Q, Sowa Y, *Baker MA and *Bai F. Bacterial Flagellar Motor Switch in Response to CheY-P Regulation and Motor Structural Alterations. Biophys J. 110(6):1411-1420 (2016) 査読有
- Yamamoto K, Tamai R, Yamazaki M, Inaba, T, Sowa Y and *Kawagishi I. Substrate-dependent dynamics of the multidrug efflux transporter AcrB of Escherichia coli. Sci Rep. 6:21909 (2016) 査読有
A03 加藤班
- Adeyemi OS, Murata Y, Sugi T, Han Y and *Kato K. Screening of chemical compound libraries identified new anti-Toxoplasma gondii agents. Parasitology Research 117: 355-363. (2018) 査読有
- Takemae H, Kobayashi K, Sugi T, Han Y, Gong H, Ishiwa A, Recuenco FC, Murakoshi F, Takano R, Murata Y, Nagamune K, Horimoto T, Akashi H and *Kato K. Toxoplasma gondii RON4 binds to heparan sulfate on the host cell surface. Parasitol Intrenational 67: 123-130. (2018) 査読有
- Recuenco FC, Takano R, Sugi T, Takemae H, Murakoshi F, Ishiwa A, Inomata A, Enomoto-Rogers Y, Fundador NGV, Iwata T, Horimoto T, Akashi H and *Kato K. Assessment of the growth inhibitory effect of gellan sulfate in rodent malaria in vivo. Japanese Journal of Veternary Research 65: 207-212. (2017) 査読有
- Adeyemi OS, Murata Y, Sugi T and *Kato K. Inorganic nanoparticles kill Toxoplasma gondii via changes in redox status and mitochondrial membrane potential. Intrenational Journal of Nanomedicine 12: 1647-1661. (2017) 査読有
- Terkawi MA, Takano R, Furukawa A, Murakoshi F and *Kato K. Involvement of β-defensin 130 (DEFB130) in the macrophage microbicidal mechanisms for killing Plasmodium falciparum. Scientific reports 7: 41772. (2017) 査読有
- Sugi T, Ma Y, Tomita T, Murakoshi F, Eaton M, Yakubu R, Hang B, Tu V, Kato K, Kawazu S, Gupta N, Suvorova E, White M, Kim K and *Weiss L. Toxoplama gondii cAMP dependent protein kinase subunit 3 is involved in the switch from tachyzoite to bradyzoite development. mBio 7(3): e00755-16. (2016) 査読有
- *Kato K, Sugi T, Takemae H, Takano R, Gong H, Ishiwa A, Horimoto T and Akashi H. Characterization of a Toxoplama gondii calcium calmodulin-dependent protein kinase homolog. Parasit & Vectors 9, 405. (2016) 査読有
- Terkawi MA, Takano R and *Kato K. Isolation and co-cultivation of human macrophages and neutrophils with Plasmodium falciparum-parasitized erythrocytes: an optimized system to study the phagocytic activity to malarial parasites. Parasitol Int, 65: 545-548 (2016) 査読有
- *Kato K, Murata Y, Horiuchi N, Inomata A, Terkawi MA, Ishiwa A, Ogawa Y, Fukumoto S, Matsuhisa F and Koyama K. Dextran sulfate inhibits acute Toxoplama gondii infection in pigs. Parasit Vectors, 9 : 134 (2016) 査読有
- Murakoshi F, Recuenco FC, Omatsu T, Sano K, Taniguchi S, Masangkay JS, Alviola P, Eres E, Cosico E, Alvarez J, Une Y, Kyuwa S, Sugiura Y and *Kato K. Detection and molecular characterization of Cryptosporidium and Eimeria species in Philippine bats. Parasitol Res, 115 (5):1863-1869 (2016) 査読有
- Murakoshi F, Ichikawa-Seki M, Aita J, Yaita S, Kinami A, Fujimoto K, Nishikawa Y, Murakami S, Horimoto T and *Kato K. Molecular epidemiological analyses of Cryptosporidium parvum virus 1 (CSpV1), a symbiotic virus of Cryptosporidium parvum, in Japan. Virus Res. 211:69-72 (2015) 査読有
- Inomata A, Murakoshi F, Ishiwa A, Takano R, Takemae H, Sugi T, Recuenco FC, Horimoto T and *Kato K. Heparin interacts with elongation factor 1α of Cryptosporidium parvum and inhibits invasion. Sci Rep. 5:11599 (2015) 査読有
- Sugi T, Kawazu SI, Horimoto T and *Kato K. A single mutation in the gatekeeper residue in TgMAPKL-1 restores the inhibitory effect of a bumped kinase inhibitor on the cell cycle. Int J Parasitol Drugs Drug Resist. 5(1):1-8 (2015) 査読有
A03 中村班
- ●Tahara H, Takabe K, Sasaki Y, Kasuga K, Kawamoto A, Koizumi N and *Nakamura S. The mechanism of two-phase motility in the spirochete Leptospira: Swimming and crawling. Science Advances 4, eaar7975. (2018) 査読有
- *中村修一 スピロヘータの運動メカニズム.生物工学会誌 96, 195-199. (2018) 査読無
- ●Sasaki Y, Kawamoto A, Tahara H, Kasuga K, Sato R, Ohnishi M, Nakamura S and *Koizumi N. Leptospiral flagellar sheath protein FcpA interacts with FlaA2 and FlaB1 in Leptospira biflexa. PLOS One 13, e0194923. (2018) 査読有
- 中村修一.バクテリアのべん毛モーター-動きを与える分子マシンの作動原理-.CSJカレントレビュー26「分子マシンの科学 分子の動きとその機能を見る」化学同人(2017)
- ●☆Takabe K, Kawamoto A, Tahara H, Kudo S, and *Nakamura S. Implications of coordinated cell-body rotations for Leptospira motility. Biochem Biophys Res Commun, 491:1040-1046(2017)査読有
- ●Terahara N, Noguchi Y, Nakamura S, Kami-ike N, Ito M, *Namba K, and *Minamino T. Load- and polysaccharide-dependent activation of the Na+-type MotPS stator in the Bacillus subtilis flagellar motor. Sci Rep, 7:46081(2017)査読有
- Nakamura S and Md Islam S. Motility of spirchetes, Methods in Microbiology 1593, The Bacterial Flagellum, p243–251. Springer (2017)
- Takabe K, Tahara H, Islam MS, Affroze S, Kudo S, *Nakamura S. Viscosity-dependent variations in the cell shape and swimming manner of Leptospira Microbiology, 163:153-160 (2017) 査読有
- Affroze S, Md. Islam S, Takabe K, Kudo S and *Nakamura S. Characterization of leptospiral chemoreceptors using a microscopic agar drop assay. Curr Microbiol, 73(2): 202-205 (2016) 査読有
- ●Md. Islam S, Morimoto YV, Kudo S and *Nakamura S. H+ and Na+ are involved in flagellar rotation of the spirochete Leptospira. Biochem Biophys Res Commun, 466(2):196-200 (2015) 査読有
A03 伊藤班
- ●Rula S, Suwa T, Kijima ST, Haraguchi T, Wakatsuki S, Sato N, Duan Z, Tominaga M, Uyeda TQP and *Ito K. Measurement of enzymatic and motile activities of Arabidopsis myosins by using Arabidopsis actins. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications 495(3): 2145-2151. (2018) 査読有
- Haraguchi T, Tominaga M, Nakano A, Yamamoto K and *Ito K. Myosin XI-I is mechanically and enzymatically unique among class XI myosins in arabidopsis. Plant and Cell Physiology 57(8): 1732-1743. (2016) 査読有
- *Tominaga M and *Ito K. The molecular mechanism and physiological role of cytoplasmic streaming. Curr Opin Plant Biol, 27 : 104–110 (2015) 査読有
A03 須河班
- Yamagishi M, Shigematsu H, Yokoyama T, Kikkawa M, Sugawa M, Aoki M, Shirouzu M, *Yajima J and *Nitta R. Structural Basis of Backwards Motion in Kinesin-1-Kinesin-14 Chimera: Implication for Kinesin-14 Motility. Structure. 24(8):1322-34 (2016) 査読有
- ● *Sugawa M, Okazaki K, Kobayashi M, Matsui T, Hummer G, Masaike T and *Nishizaka T. F1-ATPase conformational cycle from simultaneous single-molecule FRET and rotation measurements. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A, 113 (21): E2916-E2924 (2016) 査読有
A03 若林班
- Ueki N and *Wakabayashi K. Detergent-Extracted Volvox model exhibits an anterior-posterior gradient in flagellar Ca2+ sensitivity. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 115: E1061-E1068. (2018) 査読有
- Ueki N and *Wakabayashi K. Phototaxis assay for Chlamydomonas reinhardtii Bio-protocol 7: e2356. (2017) 査読有
- 若林憲一, 井手隆広, 植木紀子. クラミドモナスとボルボックスの鞭毛運動調節機構. 生物工学 96: 261-265. (2018) 査読無
- 植木紀子, 若林憲一. 緑藻クラミドモナスの走光性と細胞レンズ効果 ―藻類の「眼」の赤い色の役割― 化学と生物 55: 366-368. (表紙に採用) (2017) 査読無
- 若林憲一、中島昌子、井手隆広、植木紀子, 緑藻クラミドモナスの鞭毛運動と光行動 日本プランクトン学会報 64:61-66 (2017) 査読有
- *Nozaki H, Ueki N, Isaka N, Saigo T, Yamamoto K, Matsuzaki R, Takahashi F, Wakabayashi K and Kawachi M. A New Morphological Type of Volvox from Japanese Large Lakes and Recent Divergence of this Type and V. ferrisii in Two Different Freshwater Habitats.PLoS One. 11:e0167148. (2016) 査読有
- Ide T, Mochiji S, Ueki N, Yamaguchi K, Shigenobu S, Hirono M and *Wakabayashi K. Identification of the agg1 mutation responsible for negative phototaxis in a "wild-type" strain of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii Biochemistry and Biophysics Reports 7:379-385 (2016) 査読有
- Ueki N, Ide T, Mochiji S, Kobayashi Y, Tokutsu R, Ohnishi N, Yamaguchi K, Shigenobu S, Tanaka K, Minagawa J, Hisabori T, Hirono M, and *Wakabayashi K. Eyespot-dependent determination of the phototactic sign in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A, 113 :5299-304 (2016) 査読有
A03 田代班
- *Aziz FA, Suzuki K, Honjo M, Tashiro Y and *Futamata H. Draft genome sequence of Comamonas testosteroni R2 consist of aromatic compound degradation genes for phenol hydroxylase. Genome Announcements 5(36): e00875-17. (2017) 査読有
- *田代陽介 バクテリアの細胞外ナノ構造体を利用した選択的伝達. オレオサイエンス 18: 221-225. (2018) 査読有
- *田代陽介 ガス小胞が付与する微生物の垂直運動マシナリー. 生物工学会誌 5: 253-256. (2018) 査読有
- *田代陽介 会話をする微生物、そして高まるチームワーク. Nextcom 34: 44-45. (2018) 査読有
- *田代陽介 4本足のリン脂質. 生物工学会誌 96: 142. (2018) 査読有
- *Tashiro Y, Hasegawa Y, Shintani M, Takaki K, Ohkuma M, Kimbara K and Futamata H. Interaction of bacterial membrane vesicles with specific species and their potential for delivery to target cells. Frontiers in Microbiology 8(571): 1-13. (2017) 査読有
- Tashiro Y, Eida H, Ishii S, Futamata H and *Okabe S. Generation of small colony variants in biofilms by Escherichia coli harboring a conjugative F plasmid. Microbes Environment 32(1): 40-46. (2017) 査読有
- Monson RE, Tashiro Y and *Salmond GP. Overproduction of individual gas vesicle proteins perturbs flotation, antibiotic production and cell division in the enterobacterium Serratia sp. ATCC39006. Microbiology, 162(9): 1595-1607 (2016) 査読有
- Suzuki K, Aziz FA, Inuzuka Y, Tashiro Y and *Futamata H. Draft genome sequence of Pseudomonas sp. LAB-08 isolated from trichloroethene contaminated aquifer soil. Genome Announc, 4(5):e00948-16 査読有
- Suzuki K, Owen R, Mork J, Mochihara H, Hosokawa T, Kubota H, Sakamoto H, Matsuda A, Tashiro Y and *Futamata H. Comparison of electrochemical and microbiological characterization of microbial fuel cells equipped with SPEEK and Nafion membrane electrode assemblies. J Biosci Bioeng, 122(3):322-28 (2016) 査読有
- Tashiro Y, Monson RE, Ramsay JP and *Salmond GP. Molecular genetic and physical analysis of gas vesicles in buoyant enterobacteria. Environ Microbiol, 18(4):1264-76 (2016) 査読有
- Aziz FA, Suzuki K, Ohtaki A, Sagegami K, Hirai H, Seno J, Mizuno N, Inuzuka Y, Saito Y, Tashiro Y, Hiraishi A and *Futamata H. Interspecies interactions are an integral determinant of microbial community dynamics. Frontiers Microbiol, 6:1148 (2015) 査読有
- Toyofuku M, Tashiro Y, Hasegawa Y, Kurosawa M and *Nomura N. Bacterial membrane vesicles, an overlooked environmental colloid: Biology, environmental perspectives and applications. Adv Colloid Interface Sci, 226:65-77 (2015) 査読有
- Hasegawa Y, Futamata H and *Tashiro Y. Complexities of cell-to-cell communication through membrane vesicles: implications for selective interaction of membrane vesicles with microbial cells. Frontiers Microbiol, 6:633 (2015) 査読有
A03 五島班
- Moriwaki T and *Goshima G. Five factors can reconstitute all three phases of microtubule polymerization dynamics. J Cell Biol, 215(3):357-368 (2016) 査読有
- Yamada M, Miki T and *Goshima G. Imaging mitosis in the moss Physcomitrella patens. Methods Mol Biol 1413 :263-282 (2016) 査読有
- Miki T, Nakaoka Y and *Goshima G. Live cell microscopy-based RNAi screening in the moss Physcomitrella patens. Methods Mol Biol 1470: 225-246 (2016) 査読有
- *Watanabe S., Shioi G, Furuta Y and *Goshima G. Intra-spindle microtubule assembly regulates clustering of microtubule-organizing centers during early mouse development. Cell Rep 15(1) :54-60 (2016) 査読有
- *Uehara R, Kamasaki T, Hiruma S, Poser I, Yoda K, Yajima J, Gerlich D.W and Goshima G. Augmin shapes the anaphase spindle for efficient cytokinetic furrow ingression and abscission. Mol Biol Cell 27(5) :812-27 (2016) 査読有
- Gluszek A.A, Cullen C.F, Li W, Battaglia R.A, Radford S.J, Costa M.F, McKim K.S, Goshima G and *Ohkura H. The microtubule catastrophe promoter Sentin delays stable kinetochore-microtubule attachment in oocytes. J Cell Biol 211 (6): 1113-20 (2015) 査読有
- Ito A, and *Goshima G. Microcephaly protein Asp focuses the minus ends of spindle microtubules at the pole and within the spindle. J Cell Biol 211 (5): 999-1009 (2015) 査読有
- Miki T, Nishina M,, and *Goshima G. RNAi screening identifies the armadillo repeat-containing kinesins responsible for microtubule-dependent nuclear positioning in Physcomitrella patens. Cell Physiol 56(4) :737-49 (2015) 査読有
- Jonsson E, Yamada M, Vale RD and *Goshima G. Clustering of a kinesin-14 motor enables processive retrograde microtubule-based transport in plants. Nature Plants 1 (7): 15087 (2015) 査読有
A03 進藤班
- *†Shindo A, †Inoue Y, Kinoshita M, Wallingford JB. †equal contribution Frequency and synchrony of actomyosin oscillation during PCP-dependent convergent extension BioRxiv, (2018) 査読無
- *Shindo A, Audrey A, Takagishi M, Takahashi M, Wallingford JB, *Kinoshita M. Septin-dependent remodeling of cortical microtubule drives cell reshaping during epithelial wound healing. Journal of Cell Science, 131(12). pii: jcs212647 (2018) 査読有
- *Shindo A Models of convergent extension during morphogenesis. WIREs Developmental Biology, (2017) 査読有
A03 申班
- Takada N, Naito T, Inoue T, Nakayama K, Takatsu H and *Shin H-W. Phospholipid-flipping activity of P4-ATPase drives membrane curvature. The EMBO Journal 37: e97705. (2018) 査読有
- Takatsu H, Takayama M, Naito T, Takada N, Tsumagari K, Ishihama Y, Nakayama K, and *Shin HW. ATP11C, a phospholipid flippase, is endocytosed and downregulated by Ca2+-mediated protein kinase C (PKC) activation. Nat. Commun. accepted. (2017)
- Tomaszowski K-H, Hellmann N, Ponath V, Takatsu H, Shin H-W and *Kaina B. Uptake of glucose-conjugated MGMT inhibitors in cancer cells: role of flippases and type IV P-type ATPases. Scientific reports 7: 13925. (2017) 査読有
- Tanaka Y, Ono N, Shima T, Tanaka G, Katoh Y, Nakayama K, Takatsu H and *Shin HW The phospholipid flippase ATP9A is required for recycling pathway from endosomes to the plasma membrane. Mol Biol Cell, 27: 3883-3893 (2016) (Selected for Highlights) 査読有
- *申惠媛、中山和久 8章Arfファミリーによるメンブレントラフィックの調節.Dojin BioScience Series 24メンブレントラフィック 福田光則・吉森保編 化学同人 pp. 114-129. (2016) 査読無
- Miyano R, Matsumoto T, Takatsu H, Nakayama K and *Shin HW. Alteration of transbilayer phospholipid compositions is involved in cell adhesion, cell spreading, and focal adhesion formation. FEBS Lett, 590: 2138-2145 (2016) 査読有
- Takada N, Takatsu H, Miyano R, Nakayama K and *Shin HW. ATP11C mutation is responsible for the defect in phosphatidylserine uptake in UPS-1 cells. J Lipid Res. 56(11):2151-2157 (2015) 査読有
- Hanai A, Ohgi M, Yagi C, Ueda T, Shin HW and *Nakayama K. Class I Arfs (Arf1 and Arf3) and Arf6 are localized to the Flemming body and play important roles in cytokinesis. J Biochem. 159(2):201-208 (2016) 査読有
- Naito T, Takatsu H, Miyano R, Takada N, Nakayama K and *Shin HW.Phospholipid Flippase ATP10A Translocates Phosphatidylcholine and Is Involved in Plasma Membrane Dynamics. J Biol Chem. 290(24):15004-15017 (2015) 査読有
- Takashima K, Saitoh A, Funabashi T, Hirose S, Yagi C, Nozaki S, Sato R, Shin HW and *Nakayama K.COPI-mediated retrieval of SCAP is crucial for regulating lipogenesis under basal and sterol-deficient conditions. J Cell Sci. 128(15):2805-2815 (2015) 査読有
- Kubo K, Kobayashi M, Nozaki S, Yagi C, Hatsuzawa K, Katoh Y, Shin HW, Takahashi S and *Nakayama K.SNAP23/25 and VAMP2 mediate exocytic event of transferrin receptor-containing recycling vesicles. Biol Open. 4(7):910-920 (2015) 査読有
A03 杉村班
- Ikawa K and *Sugimura K. AIP1 and cofilin ensure a resistance to tissue tension and promote directional cell rearrangement. Nature Communications accepted in principle. (2018) 査読有
- Arata M, Sugimura K and *Uemura T. Difference in Dachsous levels between migrating cells coordinates the direction of collective cell migration. Developmental Cell 42: 479-497. (2017) 査読有
- Sugimura K, Lenne PK and *Graner F. Measuring forces and stresses in situ in living tissues. Development, 143(2):186-196 (2016) 査読有
- Guirao B, Rigaud SU, Bosveld F, Bailles A, López-Gay J, Ishihara S, Sugimura K, Graner F and Bellaïche Y. Unified quantitative characterization of epithelial tissue development. eLife, 4:e08519 (2015) 査読有
A03 久堀班
- *Kubori T, Bui TX, Hubber A, and *Nagai H. Legionella RavZ play a role in preventing ubiquitin recruitment to bacteria-containing vacuoles. Front. Cell. Infect. Microbiol. 7:384 doi: 10.3389/fcimb.2017.00384 (2017) 査読有
- Hubber A, Kubori T, Coban C, Matsuzawa T, Ogawa M, Kawabata T, Yoshimori T and *Nagai H. Bacterial secretion system skews the fate of Legionella-containing vacuoles towards LC3-associated phagocytosis. Sci Rep 7:44795 doi:10.1038/srep 44795. (2017) 査読有
- Hirayasu K, Saito F, Suenaga T, Shida K, Arase N, Oikawa K, Yamaoka T, Murota H, Chibana H, Nakagawa I, Kubori T, Nagai H, Nakamaru Y, Katayama I, Colonna M and Arase H. Microbially cleaved immunoglobulins are sensed by the innate immune receptor LILRA2. Nature Microbiol, 1(6):16054 doi: 10. 1038/NMICROBIOL. 2016.54. (2016) 査読有
- *Kubori T. Life with bacterial secretion systems. PLoS Pathog, 12(8):e1005562 (2016) 査読有
- Kubori T and *Nagai H. The Type IVB secretion system: an enigmatic chimera. Current Opinion in Microbiology 29:22-29 (2016) 査読有
- Kuroda T,Kubori T, Xuan Thanh Bui, Hyakutake A, Uchida Y, *Imada K and *Nagai H. Molecular and structural analysis of Legionella DotI gives insights into an inner membrane complex essential for type IV secretion. Sci Rep. 5 10192 (2015) 査読有
A03 安永班
- Jin M, Pomp O, Shinoda T, Toba S, Torisawa T, Furuta K, Oiwa K, Yasunaga T, Kitagawa D, Matsumura S, Miyata T, Tan TT, Reversade B and *Hirotsune S. Katanin p80, NuMA and cytoplasmic dynein cooperate to control microtubule dynamics. Scientific Reports 7: 39902. (2017) 査読有
- Aramaki S, Mayanagi K, Jin M, Aoyama K, *Yasunaga T. Filopodia formation by cross‐linking of F‐actin with Fascin in two different binding manners. Cytoskeleton 73(7): 365-374. (2016) 査読有
- Toba S, Koyasako K, Yasunaga T, *Hirotsune S. Lis1 restricts the conformational changes in cytoplasmic dynein on microtubules, Microscopy, 64(6): 419-27 (2015) 査読有
- Ishida R, Yamamto A, Nakayama K, Sohda M, Misumi Y, Yasunaga T, *Nakamura N. GM130 is a parallel tetramer with a flexible rod-like structure and N–terminally open (Y-shaped) and closed (I-shaped) conformations, FEBS Journal, 282(11): 2232-2244. (2015) 査読有
A03 岩楯班
- Okimura C, Sakumura Y, Shimabukuro K and *Iwadate Y. Sensing of substratum rigidity and directional migration by fast-crawling cells. Physical Review E 97: 052401. (2018) 査読有
- Okimura C and *Iwadate Y. Directional cell migration in response to repeated substratum stretching. Journal of the Physical Society of Japan 86: 101002. (2017) 査読有
- Okimura C and *Iwadate Y. Hybrid mechanosensing system to generate the polarity needed for migration in fish keratocytes. Cell Adhes Migr 10(4): 406-418 (2016) 査読有
- Okimura C, Ueda K, Sakumura Y and *Iwadate Y. Fast-crawling cell types migrate to avoid the direction of periodic substratum stretching. Cell Adhes Migr 10(4): 331-341 (2016) 査読有
- Sonoda A, Okimura C and *Iwadate Y. Shape and size of keratocytes are related to the distribution and magnitude of their traction forces. Cell Struct Funct, 41(1):33-43 (2016) 査読有
- Nakata T, Okimura C, Mizuno T and *Iwadate Y. The role of stress fibers in the shape determination mechanism of fish keratocytes. Biophys J, 110(2):481-492 (2016) 査読有
- Narematsu N, Quek R, *Chiam K-H and *Iwadate Y. Ciliary metachronal wave propagation on the compliant surface of Paramecium cells. Cytoskeleton, 72(12):633-646 (2015) 査読有
- Nakashima H, Okimura C and *Iwadate Y. The molecular dynamics of crawling migration in microtubule-disrupted keratocytes. Biophys Physicobiol, 12:21-29 (2015) 査読有
A03 林班
- Kader MA, Satake T, Yoshida M, Hayashi I and *Suzuki A. Molecular basis of the microtubule-regulating activity of microtubule crosslinking factor 1. PLOS One 12: e0182641. (2017) 査読有
- Maki T, Grimaldi A D, Fuchigami S, Kaverina I and Hayashi I. CLASP2 Has Two Distinct TOG Domains That Contribute Differently to Microtubule Dynamics. J Mol Biol , 427: 2379-95 (2015) 査読有
- Ban T, Sato G R, Nishiyama A, Akiyama A, Takasuna M, Umehara M, Suzuki S, Ichino M, Matsunaga S, Kimura A, Kimura Y, Yanai H, Miyashita S, Kuromitsu J, Tsukahara K, Yoshimatsu K, Endo I, Yamamoto T, Hirano H, Ryo A, Taniguchi T and *Tamura T. Lyn kinase Ssuppresses the transcriptional activity of IRF5 in the TLR-MyD88 pathway to restrain the development of autoimmunity. Immunity. 45(2): 319-332 (2016) 査読有
- Kimura A, Kurata Y, Nakabayashi J, Kagawa H and *Hirano H. N-Myristoylation of the Rpt2 subunit of the yeast 26S proteasome is implicated in the subcellular compartment-specific protein quality control system. J Proteomics 130: 33-41 (2016) 査読有
- Nakamura H, Yamashita N, Kimura A, Kimura Y, Hirano H, Makihara H, Kawamoto Y, Jitsuki-Takahashi A, Yonezaki K, Takase T, Miyazaki T, Nakamura F, Tanaka F and *Goshima Y. Comprehensive behavioral study and proteomic analyses of CRMP2-deficient mice. Genes Cells 21(10):1059-1079 (2016) 査読有
- Yamamoto H, Fujioka Y, Suzuki S W, Noshiro D, Suzuki H, Kondo-Kakuta C, Kimura Y, Hirano H, Ando T, *Noda N N and *Ohsumi Y. The intrinsically disordered protein Atg13 mediates supramolecular assembly of autophagy initiation complexes. Dev Cell. 38(1): 86-99 (2016) 査読有
- Enomoto K, Watanabe-Susaki K, Kowno M, Takada H, Intoh A, Yamanaka Y, Hirano H, Sugino H, Asashima M and Kurisaki A. Identification of novel proteins differentially expressed in pluripotent embryonic stem cells and differentiated cells. J Med Invest 62(3-4): 130-136 (2015) 査読有.
- Mochida K, Oikawa Y, Kimura Y, Kirisako H, Hirano H, Ohsumi Y and Nakatogawa H. Receptor-mediated selective autophagy degrades the endoplasmic reticulum and the nucleus. Nature 522(7556): 359-362 (2015) 査読有
- Okayama A, Miyagi Y, Oshita F, Ito H, Nakayama H, Nishi M, Kurata Y, Kimura Y, *Ryo A and *Hirano H. Identification of Tyrosine-Phosphorylated Proteins Upregulated during Epithelial-Mesenchymal Transition Induced with TGF-β. J Proteome Res 14(10): 4127-4136 (2015) 査読有
- Suzuki S W, *Yamamoto H, Oikawa Y, Kondo-Kakuta C, Kimura Y, Hirano H and *Ohsumi Y. Atg13 HORMA domain recruits Atg9 vesicles during autophagosome formation. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA, 112(11): 3350-3355, 2015.
- Yamashita K, Ide M, Furukawa K T, Suzuki A, Hirano H and *Ohno S. Tumor suppressor protein Lgl mediates G1 cell cycle arrest at high cell density by forming an Lgl-VprBP-DDB1 complex. Mol Biol Cell 26(13): 2426-2438 (2015) 査読有
A03 八木班
- ●Yagi T. and Kamiya R. Genetic approaches to axonemal dynein function in Chlamydomonas and other organisms. Dyneins (2nd edition) (King SM, editor) Chapter 9. Elsevier, Amsterdam. In press. (分担執筆) (2018) 査読無
- ●Yagi T and Kamiya R. Diversity of chlamydomonas axonemal dyneins. Handbook of dynein (2nd edition) (K.Hirose & LA. Amos, editior) Chapter 13. Pan Stanford Publishing Pte Ltd. In press. (分担執筆) (2018) 査読無
- Kamimura S, Fujita Y, Wada Y, Yagi T and Iwamoto H. X-ray fiber diffraction analysis shows dynamic changes in axial tubulin repeats in native microtubules depending on paclitaxel content, temperature and GTP-hydrolysis. Cytoskeleton , (Hoboken)73(3):131-44 (2016) 査読有
- ●Ichikawa M, Saito K, Yanagisawa HA, Yagi T, Kamiya R, Yamaguchi S, Yajima J, Kushida Y, Nakano K, Numata O and *Toyoshima YY. Axonemal dynein light chain-1 locates at the microtubule-binding domain of the γ heavy chain. Mol Biol Cell, 26(23):4236-47 (2015) 査読有
A03 中根班
- Nakane D and *Nishizaka T. Asymmetric distribution of type IV pili triggered by directional light in unicellular cyanobacteria. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 114(25): 6593-6598. (2017) 査読有
- Kinosita Y, *Uchida N, Nakane D and *Nishizaka T. Direct observation of rotation and steps of the archaellum in the swimming halophilic archaeon Halobacterium salinarum. Nature Microbiology 1: 16148. (2016) 査読有
- ●Nakane D, Kenri T, Matsuo L and *Miyata M. Systematic structural analyses of attachment organelle in Mycoplasma pneumonia.PLOS Pathogens 11(12):e1005299 (2015) 査読有
- *McBride MJ, Nakane D. Flavobacterium gliding motility and the type IX secretion system.Current Opinion in Microbiology 28:72-77 (2015) 査読有
A03 岡田班
- *Hayashi K, Tsuchizawa Y, Iwaki M, and *Okada Y. Application of the fluctuation theorem for non-invasive force measurement in living neuronal axons. Mol Biol Cell in press
- Shima T, Morikawa M, Kaneshiro J, Kambara T, Kamimura S, Yagi T, Iwamoto H, Uemura S, Shigematsu H, Shirouzu M, Ichimura T, Watanabe TM, Nitta R, *Okada Y and *Hirokawa N. Kinesin-binding–triggered conformation switching of microtubules contributes to polarized transport J Cell Biol Oct 2018, jcb.201711178; DOI: 10.1083/jcb.201711178
- Takeshima T, Takahashi T, Yamashita J, Okada Y and *Watanabe S. A multi-emitter fitting algorithm for potential live cell super-resolution imaging over a wide range of molecular densities. Journal of Microscopy 271(3):266-281 (2018) 査読有
- Ueno A, Omori Y, Sugita Y, Watanabe S, Chaya T, Kozuka T, Kon T, Yoshida S, Matsushita K, Kuwahara R, Kajimura N, Okada Y and *Furukawa T. Lrit1, a retinal transmembrane protein, regulates selective synapse formation in cone photoreceptor cells and visual acuity. Cell Reports 22(13): 3548-3561. (2018) 査読有
- Chiba K, Chien K, Sobu Y, Hata S, Kato S, Nakaya T, Okada Y, Nairn AC, Kinjo M, Taru H, Wang R and *Suzuki T. Phosphorylation of KLC1 modifies interaction with JIP1 and abolishes the enhanced fast velocity of APP transport by kinesin-1. Molecular Biology of the Cell 28: 3857-3869. (2017) 査読有
- Nozaki T, Imai R, Tanbo M, Nagashima R, Tamura S, Tani T, Joti Y, Tomita M, Hibino K, Kanemaki MT, Wendt KS, Okada Y, Nagai T and *Maeshima K. Dynamic organization of chromatin domains revealed by super-resolution live-cell imaging. Molecular Cell 67: 282-293. (2017) 査読有
- Chinen T, Liu P, Shioda S, Pagel J, Cerikan B, Lin TC, Gruss O, Hayashi Y, Takeno H, Shima T, Okada Y, Hayakawa I, Hayashi Y, Kigoshi H, Usui T and *Schiebel E. The γ-tubulin-specific inhibitor gatastatin reveals temporal requirements of microtubule nucleation during the cell cycle.Nat Commun 6:8722 (2015) 査読有
- Ohyanagi T, Shima T, Okada Y, Tsukasaki Y, Komatsuzaki A, Tsuboi S and *Jin T. Compact and stable SNAP ligand-conjugated quantum dots as a fluorescent probe for single-molecule imaging of dynein motor protein.Chem Commun 51(80):14836-9 (2015) 査読有
A03 森本班
- Pervin MS, Itoh G, Talukder MSU, Fujimoto K, Morimoto YV, Tanaka M, Ueda M and *Yumura S. A study of wound repair in Dictyostelium cells by using novel laserporation. Scientific reports 8(1): 7969. (2018) 査読有
- ●Terahara N, Inoue Y, Kodera N, Morimoto YV, Uchihashi T, Imada K, Ando T, *Namba K and *Minamino T. Insight into structural remodeling of the FlhA ring responsible for bacterial flagellar type III protein export. Scientific Advances 4(4): eaao7054. (2018) 査読有
- ●Inoue Y, Morimoto YV, *Namba K and *Minamino T. Novel insights into the mechanism of well-ordered assembly of bacterial flagellar proteins in Salmonella. Scientific reports 8(1), 1787. (2018) 査読有
- ●Terashima H, Kawamoto A, Morimoto YV, Imada K and *Minamino T. Structural differences in the bacterial flagellar motor among bacterial species. Biophysics and Physicobiology 14: 191-198. (2017) 査読有
- ●森本雄祐, 上池伸徳, 難波啓一, 南野徹 バクテリア1細胞内における局所pH計測. 生物物理 57: 296-298. (2017) 査読有
- ●*Morimoto YV and ●Minamino T. Stoichiometry and turnover of the stator and rotor. Methods in Molecular Biology (The Bacterial Flagellum: Methods and Protocols) 1593: 203-213. (2017) 査読有
- ●Hiraoka KD, Morimoto YV, Inoue Y, Fujii T, Miyata T, Makino F, *Minamino T and *Namba K. Straight and rigid flagellar hook made by insertion of the FlgG specific sequence into FlgE. Scientific Reports 7: 76723. (2017) 査読有
- *●Morimoto YV and Minamino T. Stoichiometry and turnover of the stator and rotor. Methods in Molecular Biology 1593: 203-213. (2017) 査読有
- ●Morimoto YV, Namba K and *Minamino T. Bacterial intracellular sodium ion measurement using CoroNa Green.Bio-protocol 7(1): e2092. (2017) 査読有
- ●Morimoto YV, Namba K and *Minamino T. Measurements of free-swimming speed of motile Salmonella cells in liquid media. Bio-protocol 7(1): e2093. (2017) 査読有
- Morimoto YV, Kami-ike N, Miyata T, Kawamoto A, Kato T, *Namba K, *Minamino T. High-Resolution pH Imaging of Living Bacterial Cells To Detect Local pH Differences mBIO 7(6): e01911-16 (2016)
- ●*Minamino T, Kinoshita M, Inoue Y, Morimoto YV, Ihara K, Koya S, Hara N, Nishioka N, Kojima S, Homma M and *Namba K. TFliH and FliI ensure efficient energy coupling of flagellar type III protein export in Salmonella.Microbiologyopen (2016) 査読有
- ●*Minamino T, Morimoto YV, Hara N, Aldridge PD and *Namba K. The bacterial flagellar type III export gate complex is a dual fuel engine that can use both H+ and Na+ for flagellar protein export.PLOS Pathogens 12 e1005495 (2016) 査読有
- Baker MA, Hynson RM, Ganuelas LA, Mohammadi NS, Liew CW, Rey AA, Duff AP, Whitten AE, Jeffries CM, Delalez NJ, Morimoto YV, Stock D, Armitage JP, Turberfield AJ, Namba K, Berry RM and *Lee LK. Domain-swap polymerization drives the self-assembly of the bacterial flagellar motor.Nature Structural & Molecular Biology 23 : 197-203 (2016) 査読有
- ●Islam Md. S, Morimoto YV, Kudo S and *Nakamura S. H+ and Na+ are involved in flagellar rotation of the spirochete Leptospira.Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications 466 :196–200 (2015) 査読有
A01 佐藤班
- *佐藤健 細胞内輸送でタンパク質を目的地へ:小胞体から始まる小胞輸送 膜 (Membrane) 40(1): 2-8 (2015) 査読有
- Kakoi S, Yorimitsu T and *Sato K. COPII machinery cooperates with ER-localized Hsp40 to sequester misfolded membrane proteins into ER-associated compartments. Mol. Biol. Cell 24: 633-642 (2013) 査読有
- Yorimitsu T, Sato K and *Takeuchi M. Molecular mechanisms of Sar/Arf GTPases in vesicular trafficking in yeast and plants. Front. Plant Sci 5:411 査読有
- Kodera C, Yorimitsu T and *Sato K. Sec23 homolog Nel1 is a novel GTPase-activating protein for Sar1 but does not function as a subunit of the COPII coat. J. Biol. Chem 289: 21423-21432 (2014) 査読有
- Ebine K, Inoue T, Ito J, Ito E, Uemura T, Goh T, Abe H, Sato K, Nakano A and *Ueda T. Plant vacuolar trafficking occurs through distinctly regulated pathways.Curr. Biol 24: 1375-1382 (2014) 査読有
A01 豊島班
- Ichikawa M, Saito K, Yanagisawa H, Yagi T, Kamiya R, Yamaguchi S, Yajima J, Kushida Y, Nakano K, Numata O and *Toyoshima Y Y Axonemal Dynein Light Chain-1 Locates at the Microtubule Binding Domain of the γ Heavy Chain , MBoC 26: 4236-4247 (2015) 査読有
- Maheshwari A, Obbineni J M, Bui K H, Shibata K, Toyoshima Y Y and *Ishikawa T. α- and β-tubulin lattice arrangement of the axonemal microtubule doublet and binding proteins revealed by single particle cryo-electron microscopy and tomography. Structure 23: 1584-1595 (2015) 査読有
- 鳥澤嵩征、古田健也、*豊島陽子. 細胞質ダイニンの運動制御機構 生物物理 55: 127-132 (2015) 査読有 DOI: 10.2142/biophys.55.127
- ●Yamaguchi S, Saito K, Sutoh M, Nishizaka T, Toyoshima Y Y and *Yajima J. Torque generation by axonemal outer-arm dynein. Biophys J 108(4): 872-879 (2015) 査読有
- Torisawa T, Ichikawa M, Furuta A, Saito K, Oiwa K, Kojima H, *Toyoshima Y Y and *Furuta K. Autoinhibition and cooperative activation mechanisms of cytoplasmic dynein. Nature Cell Biol 16(11): 1118-1124 (2014) 査読有
- Nishikawa Y, Oyama T, Kamiya N, Kon T, Toyoshima Y Y, Nakamura H and *Kuris G. Structure of the Entire Stalk Region of the Dynein Motor Domain. J Mol Biol 426(19): 3232-3245 (2014) 査読有
- Ito M, Kabir A M R, Inoue D, Torisawa T, Toyoshima YY, Sada K and *Kakugo A. Formation of ring-shaped microtubule assemblies through active self-organization on dynein. Polymer J 46: 220–225 (2014) 査読有
- 古田健也、鳥澤嵩征、 *豊島陽子. バイオイメージングと光ピンセットを用いた微小管系モ ータータンパク質の協働的活性化に関する解析. 生化学 86: 184-191 (2014) 査読有
- Obinata T, Amemiya S, Takai R, Sato N, Ichikawa M and Toyoshima YY. Sea lily muscle lacks a troponin-regulatory system, while it contains paramyosin. Zool Sci 31: 122-128 (2014) 査読有
- *Furuta K, Furuta A, Toyoshima YY, Amino M, Oiwa K, and Kojima H. Measuring collective transport by defined numbers of processive and nonprocessive kinesin motors. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 110: 501-506 (2013) 査読有
A01 新井班
- Hayashi Y, Yasugi F and *Arai M. Role of Cysteine Residues in the Structure, Stability, and Alkane Producing Activity of Cyanobacterial Aldehyde Deformylating Oxygenase. PLoS ONE 10(4):e0122217 (2015) 査読有
- Oikawa H, Suzuki Y, Saito M, Kamagata K, Arai M and *Takahashi S. Microsecond dynamics of an unfolded protein by a line confocal tracking of single molecule fluorescence. Scientific Reports 3:2151 (2013) 査読有
- Ohori Y, Okazaki H, Watanabe S, Tochio N, Arai M, Kigawa T and *Nishimura C. Flexible and rigid structures in HIV-1 p17 matrix protein monitored by relaxation and amide proton exchange with NMR. Biochim. Biophys. Acta 1844(3):520-526 (2014) 査読有
- *新井宗仁 「NMRによるタンパク質-リガンド相互作用の定量解析法」 生物物理 53(6):305-308 (2013) 査読有
- *新井宗仁 タンパク質の揺らぎと機能 ~結合と触媒~「揺らぎ・ダイナミクスと生体機能 ~物理化学的視点から見た生体分子~」(寺嶋正秀 編) 化学同人 17:267-280 (2013) 査読有
A01 荒田班
- Abe J, Ueki S, Yamauchi S, *Arata T and *Ohba Y. Double quantum coherence EPR reveals the structure-function relationships of the cardiac troponin C-troponin I complex regulated by Ca2+ ions and a phosphomimetic. Applied Magnetic Resonance, in press (2018) 査読有
- Matsuo T, Arata T, Oda T, Nakajima K, Ohira-Kawamura S, Kikuchi T and *Fujiwara S. Difference in the hydration water mobility around F-actin and myosin subfragment-1studied by quasielastic neutron scattering. Biochemistry and Biophysics Reports 6: 220-225 (2016) 査読有
- Matsuo T, Arata T, Oda T, Nakajima K, Ohira-Kawamura S, Kikuchi T, and *Fujiwara S. Internal dynamics of F-actin and myosin subfragment-1 studied by quasielastic neutron scattering. Biochem Biophys Res Commun 459(3):493-497 (2015) 査読有
- Yasuda S, Yanagi T, Yamada MD, Ueki S, Maruta S, Inoue A, and *Arata T. Nucleotide-dependent displacement and dynamics of the α-1 helix in kinesin revealed by site-directed spin labeling EPR. Biochem Biophys Res Commun 443: 911-916 (2014) 査読有
- Ishii, K, Terauchi S, Murakami R, Valencia Swain J, Mutoh R, Mino H, Maki K, *Arata T, and *Ishiura M. Site-directed spin labeling-electron spin resonance mapping of the residues of cyanobacterial clock protein KaiA that are affected by KaiA-KaiC interaction. Genes Cells 19: 297-324 (2014) 査読有
- Ueda K, Kimura-Sakiyama C, Aihara T, Miki M, and *Arata T. Calcium-dependent interaction sites of tropomyosin on reconstituted muscle thin filaments with bound myosin heads as studied by site-directed spin-labeling. Biophys J 105(10): 2366-2373 (2013) 査読有
- Matsuo T, Arata T, Oda T, and *Fujiwara S. Difference in hydration structures between F-actin and myosin subfragment-1 detected by small-angle X-ray and neutron scattering. BIOPHYSICS 9: 99-106 (2013) 査読有
- Narumi R, Yamamoto T, Inoue A, and *Arata T. Substrate-induced conformational changes in sarcoplasmic reticulum Ca2+-ATPase probed by surface modification using diethylpyrocarbonate with mass spectrometry. FEBS Lett 586(19): 3172-3178 (2012) 査読有
- 荒田敏昭. 電子スピン共鳴で探るモータータンパク質のダイナミクス. 生物物理 52(4): 172-177 (2012) 査読無
- Yasuda S, Hara H, Tokunaga F, and *Arata T. Spatial arrangement of rhodopsin in retinal rod outer segment membranes studied by spin-labeling and pulsed electron double resonance. Biochem Biophys Res Commun 425(2): 134-137 (2012) 査読有
- Abe J, Ueki S, Arata T, Nakazawa T, Yamauchi S, and *Ohba Y,Improved Sensitivity by Isotopic substitution in Distance Measurements Based on Double Quantum Coherence EPR. Appl Mag Reson 42: 473-485 (2012) 査読有
A01 園部班
- Yanase R, Nishigami Y, Ichikawa M, Yoshihisa T and *Sonobe S. The neck deformation of Lacrymaria olor depending upon cell states. Journal of Protistology 51: 1–6. (2018) 査読有
- Yamaoka N, Suetomo Y, Yoshihisa T and *Sonobe S. Motion analysis and ultrastructural study of a colonial diatom. Bacillaria paxillifer Microscopy 65: 211-221 (2016) 査読あり
- Nishigami Y, Ichikawa M, Kazama T, Kobayashi R, Shimmen T, Yoshikawa K and *Sonobe S. Reconstruction of active regular motion in amoeba extract: Dynamic cooperation between sol and gel states. PLOS ONE 8: e70317 (2013) 査読有
A01 神谷班
- ● Wakabayashi K and *Kamiya R. Axonemal motility in Chlamydomonas. Meth. Cell Biol. 127:387-402 (2015) 査読無
- Nakazawa Y, Ariyoshi T, Noga A, Kamiya R and *Hirono M. Space-Dependent Formation of Central Pair Microtubules and Their Interactions with Radial Spokes. PLOS ONE 9(10): e110513 (2014) 査読有
- Oda T, Yanagisawa H, Kamiya R, and *Kikkawa M. A molecular ruler determines the repeat length in eukaryotic cilia and flagella. Science 346(6211): 857-860 (2014) 査読有
- Kato YS, *Yagi T, Harris SA, Ohki SY, Yura K, Shimizu Y, Honda S, Kamiya R, Burgess SA and *Tanokura M. Structure of the Microtubule-Binding Domain of Flagellar Dynein Structure 22(11): 1628-1638 (2014) 査読有
- Owa M, Furuta A , Usukurab J, Arisaka F, Stephen M Kingd, George B Witmane, Kamiya R and Wakabayashi K. Cooperative binding of the outer arm-docking complex underlies the regular arrangement of outer arm dynein in the axoneme. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 111(26): 9461–9466 (2014) 査読有
- ●*Kamiya R and Yagi T. Functional diversity of axonemal dyneins as assessed by in vitro and in vivo motility assays of Chlamydomonas mutants. Zool. Sci 31(10): 633–644 (2014) 査読有
- Kubo T, Yanagisawa HA, Liu Z, Shibuya R, Hirono M and *Kamiya R. A conserved flagella-associated protein in Chlamydomonas, FAP234, is essential for axonemal localization of tubulin polyglutamylase TTLL9. Mol Biol Cell 25(10): 107-17 (2014) 査読有
- ●*Ishikawa H, Ide T, Yagi T, Jiang X, Hirono M, Sasaki H, Yanagisawa H, Wemmer KA, Stainier DY, Qin H, Kamiya R and *Marshall WF. TTC26/DYF13 is an intraflagellar transport protein required for transport of motility-related proteins into flagella. Elife e01566 (2014) 査読有
- ●Yamamoto R, Song K, Yanagisawa H, Fox L, Yagi T, Wirschell M, Hirono M, Kamiya R, Nicastro D and *Sale W S. The MIA complex is a conserved and novel dynein regulator essential for normal ciliary motility. J. Cell Biol 201:263-278 (2013) 査読有
- ●Ide T, Owa M, King S M, Kamiya R, and *Wakabayashi K. Protein-protein interactions between intermediate chains and the docking complex of Chlamydomonas flagellar outer arm dynein. FEBS Lett 587:2143-2149 (2013) 査読有
A01 若林健之班
- ●Gomibuchi M, Uyeda TQP and *Wakabayashi T. Bulkiness or aromatic nature of tyrosine-143 of actin is important for the weak binding between F-actin and myosin-ADP-phosphate. Biochem Biophys Res Commun 441(4):844-848 (2013) 査読有
- Minoda H, Okabe T, Inayoshi Y, Minakata T, Miyauchi Y, Tanokura M, Katayama E, Wakabayashi T, Akimoto T, and *Sugi H. Electron microscopic evidence for the myosin head lever arm mechanism in hydrated myosin filaments using the gas environmental chamber. Biochem Biophys Res Commun 405(4):651-656 (2011) 査読有
A01 島袋班
- Kouzuki H, Tokikawa K, Satomi M, Negoro T, Shimabukuro K and *Fujii K. Gilvimarinus japonicus sp. nov., a cellulolytic and agarolytic marine bacterium isolated from the seacoast of Yamaguchi, Japan. Int. J. Syst. Evol. Microbiol. 66(12): 5417-5423.(2016)査読有
- *島袋勝弥. Ascaris精子をもちいたアメーバ運動装置のin vitro再構成、 生物物理, 53(5): 266-267 (2013) 査読有
A01 西山班
- *Nishiyama M. High-Pressure Microscopy for Studying Molecular Motors. High Pressure Bioscience – Basic Concepts, Applications and Frontiers. Subcell Biochem 72:593-611 Springer (2015) 査読有
- *西山雅祥. 力学刺激でタンパク質間相互作用を操作する, 化学と生物, 52(12): 782-84 (2014) 査読有
- Okuno D, Nishiyama M and Noji H. Viewing the rotation of molecular motors at high pressure. Asia Pacific Physics News Letter 3(2): 25 (2014) 査読無
- *西山雅祥. 高圧力顕微鏡法による細菌運動観察,高圧バイオサイエンスとバイオテクノロジー(野村一樹, 藤澤哲郎, 岩橋均 編),三恵社, 75-81 (2015) 査読有
- *西山雅祥. 力学刺激でタンパク質間相互作用を操作する 化学と生物 52(12): 782-784 (2014) 査読有
- ●*Nishiyama M, Sowa Y, Kimura Y, Homma M, Ishijima A and Terazima M. High hydrostatic pressure induces CCW to CW reversals of the Escherichia coli flagellar motor. J Bacteriol 195(8): 1809-14 (2013) 査読有
- ●*Watanabe TM, Imada K, Yoshizawa K, Nishiyama M, Kato C, Abe F, Morikawa T, Kinoshita M, Fujita H and Yanagida T. Glycine insertion makes yellow fluorescent protein sensitive to hydrostatic pressure. PLOS ONE 8(8): e73212 (2013) 査読有
- Okuno D, *Nishiyama M and *Noji H. Single molecule analysis of the rotation of F1-ATPase under high hydrostatic pressure. Biophys J 105(7): 1635-1642 (2013) 査読有
- 西山雅祥, 木村佳文. 高圧力顕微鏡 LTMセンター誌 22: 18-27 (2013) 査読有
- *西山雅祥, 曽和義幸. 細胞内の水で生命活動を操る! −高圧力下で観るタンパク質水和変調イメージング 化学 68(9): 31-36 (2013) 査読無
- *西山雅祥. バクテリア・べん毛モーターが高圧力下で逆向きに回り出す!? 生物物理 53(5): 264-65 (2013) 査読有
A01 見理班
見理 剛
- *Kenri T, Sekizuka T, Yamamoto A, Iwaki M, Komiya T, Hatakeyama T, Nakajima H, Takahashi M, Kuroda M and Shibayama K. Genetic characterization and comparison of Clostridium botulinum isolates from botulism cases in Japan between 2006 and 2011. Appl Environ Microbiol 80(22):6954-64 (2014)査読有
清水 隆
- *Shimizu T, Kimura Y, Kida Y, Kuwano K, Tachibana M, Hashino M and Watarai M. Cytadherence of Mycoplasma pneumoniae induces inflammatory responses through autophagy and toll-like receptor 4. Infect Immun 82(7):3076-86 (2014)査読有
森 茂太郎
- *Mori S, Kim H, Rimbara E, Arakawa Y and Shibayama K. Roles of Ala-149 in the catalytic activity of diadenosine tetraphosphate phosphorylase from Mycobacterium tuberculosis H37Rv. Biosci Biotechnol Biochem 79(2):236-238 (2015)査読有
- Kim H, Shibayama K, Rimbara E and *Mori S. Biochemical characterization of quinolinic acid phosphoribosyltransferase from Mycobacterium tuberculosis H37Rv and inhibition of its activity by pyrazinamide. PLoS One 9(6):e100062 (2014)査読有
A02 渡邉班
- Watanabe R, Koyasu K, You H, Tanigawara M and *Noji H. Torque transmission mechanism via DELSEED loop of F1-ATPase. Biophysical Journal 108(5):1144-1152 (2015) 査読有
- Yukawa A, *Watanabe R and *Noji H. Effects of an ATP analogue, adenosine 5′-[α-thio]-triphosphate, on F1-ATPase rotary catalysis, torque generation, and inhibited intermediated formation. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications 458(3):515-519 (2015) 査読有
- Yukawa A, Iino R, Watanabe R, Hayashi S and *Noji H. Key Chemical Factors of Arginine Finger Catalysis of F1-ATPase Clarified by an Unnatural Amino Acid Mutation Biochemistry 54(2): 472-480 (2015) 査読有
- *Watanabe R, Soga N, Yamanaka T, *Noji H. High-throughput formation of lipid bilayer membrane arrays with an asymmetric lipid composition. Scientific Reports 4 7076 (2014) 査読有
- Watanabe R, Minagawa Y and *Noji H. Thermodynamic analysis of F1-ATPase rotary catalysis using high-speed imaging. Protein Science E-pub (2014) 査読有
- Arai HC, Yukawa A, Iwatate RJ, Kamiya M, Watanabe R, Urano Y, and *Noji H. Torque Generation Mechanism of F1-ATPase upon NTP Binding. Biophysical Journal(107):156-64 (2014) 査読有
- *Watanabe R,Soga N, Fujita D, Tabata KV, Yamauchi L, Kim SH, Asanuma D, Kamiya M, Urano Y, *Suga H, and *Noji H. Arrayed Lipid Bilayer Chambers Allow Single-Molecule Analysis of Membrane Transporter Activity. Nature Communications(5) 4519 (2014) 査読有
- Watanabe R, Matsukage Y, Yukawa A, Tabata KV and Noji H. Robustness of the Rotary Catalysis Mechanism of F1-ATPase. Journal of Biological Chemistry 289(28): 19331-40(2014) 査読有
- Watanabe R and *Noji H. Characterization of the temperature-sensitive reaction of F1-ATPase by using single-molecule manipulation. Scientific Reports 4:4962(2014) 査読有
- Watanabe R and *Noji H. Timing of inorganic phosphate release modulates the catalytic activity of ATP-driven rotary motor protein. Nature Communications(5):3486(2014) 査読有
- Watanabe R, Hayashi K, Ueno H and *Noji H. Catalysis-enhancement via rotary fluctuation of F1-ATPase. Biophysical Journal(105):2385-91(2013) 査読有
A03 中村班
- 中村 修一 スピロヘータの形と運動 日本細菌学雑誌 69(3):527-538 (2014) 査読有
- Md. Islam S, Takabe K, Kudo S and *Nakamura S. Analysis of the chemotactic behaviour of Leptospira using microscopic agar-drop assay. FEMS Microbiol Lett 356:39-44 (2014) 査読有
- ● *Nakamura S, Leshansky A, Magariyama Y, Namba K and *Kudo S. Direct measurement of helical cell motion of the spirochete Leptospira. Biophys J 106:47-54 (2014) 査読有
A03 若林憲一班
- ●Wakabayashi K and Kamiya R. Axonemal motility in Chlamydomonas. Meth. Cell Biol. 127:387-402 (2015) 査読無
- ●Owa M, Furuta A , Usukurab J, Arisaka F, Stephen M Kingd, George B Witmane, Kamiya R and Wakabayashi K. Cooperative binding of the outer arm-docking complex underlies the regular arrangement of outer arm dynein in the axoneme. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA111(26): 9461–9466 (2014) 査読有
- ●Ide T, Owa M, King S.M, Kamiya R, and *Wakabayashi K. Protein-protein interactions between intermediate chains and the docking complex of Chlamydomonas flagellar outer arm dynein. FEBS Lett 587:2143-2149 (2013) 査読有
- 荒井 祐介, 若林 憲一, 吉川 雅英, 奥 寛雅, *石川 正俊 暗視野顕微鏡法におけるクラミドモナスの三次元トラッキング 日本ロボット学会誌 31(10):1028-1035 (2013) 査読有
A03 垣内班
- Kizaki H, Omae Y, Tabuchi F, Saito Y, Sekimizu K and *Kaito C. Cell-surface phenol soluble modulins regulate Staphylococcus aureus colony spreading. PLOS ONE 11(10): e0164523. (2016) 査読有
- Imae K, Saito Y, Kizaki H, Ryuno H, Mao H, Miyashita A, Suzuki Y, Sekimizu K and *Kaito C. Novel nucleoside diphosphatase contributes to Staphylococcus aureus virulence. Journal of Biological Chemistry 291(36): 18608-18619. (2016) Paper of the Week 査読有
- *Suzuki T, Yamamoto T, Kaito C, Miyamoto H, Ohashi Y. Impact of psm-mec in methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (ST764) strains isolated from keratitis patients. Microbial Drug Resistance 22(7): 589-597. (2016) 査読有
- Yoshikai H, Kizaki H, Saito Y, Omae Y, Sekimizu K and *Kaito C. Multidrug-resistance transporter AbcA secretes Staphylococcus aureus cytolytic toxins. The Journal of Infectious Diseases 213(2): 295-304. (2016) 査読有
- Kyuma T, Kimura S, Hanada Y, Suzuki T, Sekimizu K and *Kaito C. Ribosomal RNA methyltransferases contribute to Staphylococcus aureus virulence. The FEBS Journal 282(13): 2570-2584. (2015) 査読有
- 垣内 力. 黄色ブドウ球菌の病原性制御機構に関する研究. 日本細菌学雑誌 69(3):491-501 (2014) 査読無
- Ikuo M, Nagano G, Saito Y, Mao H, Sekimizu K and *Kaito C. Inhibition of exotoxin production by mobile genetic element SCCmec-encoded psm-mec RNA is conserved in staphylococcal species. PLoS ONE 9(6):e100260 (2014) 査読有
- Miyashita A, Kizaki H, Kawasaki K, Sekimizu K and *Kaito C. Primed Immune Responses to Gram-negative Peptidoglycans Confer Infection Resistance in Silkworms. J Biol Chem 289(20):14412-21 (2014) 査読有
- Omae Y, Sekimizu K, *Kaito C. Identification of Staphylococcus aureus colony-spreading stimulatory factors from mammalian serum. PLoS ONE 9(5):e97670 (2014) 査読有
- Numata S, Nagata M, Mao H, Sekimizu K and *Kaito C. CvfA and PNPase act in an opposing manner to regulate Staphylococcus aureus virulence. J Biol Chem 289(12):8420-31 (2014) 査読有
- *Aoyagi T#, Kaito C#, Sekimizu K, Omae Y, Saito Y, Mao H, Inomata S, Hatta M, Endo S, Gu Y, Tokuda K, Yano H, Kitagawa M and Kaku M. Impact of psm-mec in the Mobile Genetic Element on the Clinical Characteristics and Outcome of SCCmec-II Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus Bacteremia in Japan. Clin Microbiol Infect 20(9):912-9 (2014) 査読有#Contributed equally
- Omae Y, Hanada Y, Sekimizu K an d *Kaito C. Silkworm apolipophorin protein inhibits hemolysin gene expression of Staphylococcus aureus via binding to cell surface lipoteichoic acids. J Biol Chem 288(35):25542-50 (2013) 査読有
- *Kaito C, Saito Y, Ikuo M, Omae Y, Mao H, Nagano G, Fujiyuki T, Numata S, Han X, Obata K, Hasegawa S, Yamaguchi H, Inokuchi K, Ito T, Hiramatsu K, and Sekimizu K. Mobile genetic element SCCmec-encoded psm-mec RNA suppresses translation of agrA and attenuates MRSA virulence. PLoS Pathog 9(4):e1003269 (2013) 査読有
A03 増田班
- Sugimoto Y, Nakamura H, Ren S, Hori K and *Masuda S. Genetics of the blue light-dependent signal cascade that controls phototaxis in the cyanobacterium Synechocystis sp. PCC6803. Plant Cell Physiology 58: 458-465. (2017) 査読有
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A03 上原班
- *Uehara R, Kamasaki T, Hiruma S, Poser I, Yoda K, Yajima J, Gerlich DW and Goshima G. Augmin shapes the anaphase spindle for efficient cytokinetic furrow ingression and abscission. Molecular Biology of the Cell 27: 812-827. (2016) 査読有
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A03 岩楯班
- *Iwadate Y, Okimura C, Sato K, Nakashima Y, Tsujioka M and Minami K. Myosin-II-mediated directional migration of Dictyostelium cells in response to cyclic stretching of substratum. Biophys J, 104:748-758 (2013) 査読有
- Tsugiyama H, Okimura C, Mizuno T and *Iwadate Y. Electroporation of adherent cells with low sample volumes on a microscope stage. J Exp Biol, 216:3591-3598 (2013) 査読有
A03 武谷班
- Ushijima T, Fujimoto N, Matsuyama S, Kan-o M, Kiyonari H, Shioi G, Kage Y, Yamasaki S, *Takeya R and *Sumimoto H. The actin-organizing formin protein Fhod3 is required for postnatal development and functional maintenance of the adult heart in mice. Journal of Biological Chemistr 293: 148-162. (2018) 査読有
- Matsuyama S, Kage Y, Fujimoto N, Ushijima T, Tsuruda T, Kitamura K, Shiose A, Asada Y, Sumimoto H and *Takeya R. Interaction between cardiac myosin-binding protein C and formin protein Fhod3. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 115: E4386-E4395. (2018) 査読有
- Fujimoto N, Kan-O M, Ushijima T, Kage Y, Tominaga R, *Sumimoto H and *Takeya R. Transgenic expression of the formin protein Fhod3 selectively in the embryonic heart: role of actin-binding activity of Fhod3 and its sarcomeric localization during myofibrillogenesis. PLOS One 11: e0148472. (2016) 査読有
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- Yamamoto A, Takeya R, Matsumoto M, Nakayama K and *Sumimoto H. Phosphorylation of Noxo1 at threonine-341 regulates its interaction with Noxa1 and the superoxide-producing activity of Nox1. FEBS J 280:5145-5159 (2013) 査読有
- Arimura T, Takeya R, Ishikawa T, Yamano T, Matsuo A, Tatsumi T, Nomura T, *Sumimoto H and *Kimura A. Dilated cardiomyopathy-associated FHOD3 variant impairs the ability to induce activation of transcription factor SRF. Circ J 77:2990-2996 (2013) 査読有
A03 片山班
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- Ozaki S, Matsuda Y, Keyamura K, Kawakami H, Noguchi Y, Kasho K, Nagata K, Masuda T, Sakiyama Y and *Katayama, T. A Replicase clamp-binding dynamin-like protein promotes colocalization of nascent DNA strands and equipartitioning of chromosomes in E. coli. Cell Reports 4:985-995 (2013) 査読有
- Su'etsugu M, Harada Y, Keyamura K, Matsunaga C, Kasho K, Abe Y, Ueda T and *Katayama, T. The DnaA N-terminal domain interacts with Hda to facilitate replicase clamp-mediated inactivation of DnaA. Environ. Microbiol. 15:3183-3195 (2013) 査読有
A03 小椋班
- Johjima A, Noi K, Nishikori S, Ogi H, *Esaki M and *Ogura T. Microtubule severing by katanin p60 AAA+ ATPase requires the C-terminal acidic tails of both α- and β-tubulins and basic amino acid residues in the AAA+ ring pore. J Biol Chem 290(18):11762-70 (2015) 査読有
- ●Noi K, Yamamoto D, Nishikori S, Arita-Morioka K, Kato T, Ando T and *Ogura T. High-speed atomic force microscopic observation of ATP-dependent rotation of the AAA+ chaperone p97. Structure 21:1992-2002 (2013) 査読有
A03 林班
- Sato Y, Hayashi K, Amano Y, Takahashi M, Yonemura S, Hayashi I, Hirose H, Ohno S, *Suzuki A. MTCL1 crosslinks and stabilizes non-centrosomal microtubules on the Golgi membrane. Nature Commun 5:5266 (2014) 査読有
- Grimaldi AD, Maki T, Fitton BP, Roth D, Yampolsky D, Davidson MW, Svitkina T, Straube A, Hayashi I, *Kaverina I, CLASPs Are Required for Proper Microtubule Localization of End-Binding Proteins. Dev Cell 3(3):343-352 (2014) 査読有
- Sato Y, Akitsu M, Amano Y, Yamashita K, Ide M, Shimada K, Yamashita A, Hirano H, Arakawa N, Maki T, Hayashi I, Ohno S and *Suzuki A. A novel PAR-1-binding protein, MTCL1, plays critical roles in organizing microtubules in polarizing epithelial cells. J Cell Sci 126(20):4671-83 (2013) 査読有
A03 馬渕班
- 柏崎隼、高木智子、*馬渕一誠. in vitroにおける収縮環の収縮はミオシンIIに依存するがアクチンのダイナミクスには依存しない. ライフサイエンス新着論文レビュー http://first.lifesciencedb.jp/archives/7443 (2013) 査読無
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- *馬渕一誠. 細胞はどのようにして分裂を繰り返す.2001年ノーベル生理学・医学賞受賞Paul Nurse博士 学習院大学講演録. 細胞工学 33(2):182 (2014) 査読無
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- 馬渕一誠、柏﨑隼. 細胞質分裂における収縮環の収縮:in vitro系の開発. 細胞工学 33(6):660-665 (2014)
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A03 高野班
- Umezawa K, Ohnuki J, Higo J and *Takano M. Intrinsic disorder accelerates dissociation rather than association. Proteins 84: 1124-1133. (2016) 査読有
- Ohnuki J, Sato T and * Takano M Piezoelectric allostery of protein. Physical Review E 94: 012406. (2016) 査読有
- Sato T, Ohnuki J and *Takano M. Dielectric allostery of protein: Response of myosin to ATP binding. The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 120: 13047-13055. (2016) 査読有
- Mizuhara Y, Parkin D, Umezawa K, Ohnuki J and *Takano M. Over-destabilization of protein–protein interaction in Generalized Born model and utility of energy density integration cutoff. The Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 121: 4669-4677 (2017) 査読有
- Nie QM, Togashi A, Sasaki TN, Takano M, Sasai M and Terada TP. Coupling of lever arm swing and biased Brownian motion in actomyosin. PLoS Comput Biol 10(4): e1003552 (2014) 査読有
- ● Wada H, Nakane D and Hsuan-Yi Chen. Bidirectional Bacterial Gliding motility powered by the collective transport of cell surface proteins. Physical Review Letters 111: 248102 (2013) 査読有
- ●Nakane D, Sato K, Wada H, Mark J. McBride and Nakayama K. Helical flow of surface protein required for bacterial gliding motility. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 110: 11145 (2013) 査読有
- *Wada H. バイオメカニクス:力学から見る生命現象. 日本物理学会誌 68: 612-616. (2013) 査読有
- Ikebe R, Kuwabara Y, Chikada T, Niki H and *Shiomi D. The periplasmic disordered domain of RodZ promotes its self-interaction in Escherichia coli. Genes Cells 23(4): 307-317. (2018) 査読有
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- Kawazura T, Matsumoto K, Kojima K, Kato F, Kanai T, Niki H and *Shiomi D.
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- 塩見大輔 細菌形態形成制御機構に関する研究 日本細菌学雑誌 69(4):557-564 (2014) 査読無
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