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Video archives
Here, we establish an online video library where a series of movies relevant to motility are available. The miscellaneous category includes bacteria, eukaryotes, and archaea, viruses, proteins, and synthetic polymers. The movies that are meaningful in the biology field will be uploaded in both Japanese and English.
For the contributors who plan to upload your video, you should keep in mind the following suggestions:
(1) the video which is relative to the object of your research
(2) the video about microbe found in the research activity of the super-science high school or biological clubs are encouraged to upload
(3) Do not forget to add the link of your video which has been published (Please make sure the copyright)
(4) If you think some videos in the old textbook are valuable to upload, please let us know.
Video List
A ciliate with a stalk
Species name:Vorticella
AL-Museum AL-Museum
This ciliate, Vorticella, attaches the end of its long stalk to a solid surface. Although the organism is anchored at the base, it feeds by expanding and contracting its stalk to more around within a limited range. We can see the front and side views of Vorticella and the food vacuole which transfers food particles into the body.
Vaginicola sp.
Species name:Vaginicola sp.
Bureau Swerage, Tokyo Metropolitan Government
The size of Vaginicola is 160-250 μm in length. The cell trumpet-shaped lying within a clear and colorless lorica and attached directly to the substratum without a stalk. The cell contract in the lorica. It has undulating membranes of the adoral zone and use them for feeding.
Vorticella sp.
Species name:Vorticella sp.
Bureau Swerage, okyo Metropolitan Government
The size of Vorticella is 45-90 μm in length. Vorticella has a bell-shaped body. There are oral groove surrounded by cilia on the top of the body. They are attached to the floc by a stalk in which there is the myoneme. Cells do not form colonies. Zoospores are produced when conditions are not satisfactory. Zoospores swim fast in the water with the cilia. Its food source is mainly bacteria.
Species name:Vahlkampfia sp.
Bureau of Swerage, Tokyo Metropolitan Goverment
The size of Amoeba radiosa (should this be vahlkamphia?)is about 10 - 30 μm, rarely over 100 μm in length. It has along flat body and moves smoothly. Amoeba radiosa moves fastest in the group of Sarcodina and moves rapidly in one direction. Its food source is mainly bacteria.
Volvox rousseletii
Species name:Volvox rousseletii
Chemical Resources Laboratory, Tokyo Institute of Technology Noriko Ueki
Volvox rousseletii
Volvox carteri
Species name:Volvox carteri
Chemical Resources Laboratory, Tokyo Institute of Technology Noriko Ueki
Volvox carteri
The long polar flagellar mutant of Vibrio
Species name:Vibrio alginolyticus
Nagoya University Michio Homma
The mutants of V. alginolyticus were isolated from the motility defective mutants who were poorly motile in soft agar medium. The flagella, whose length is about three times longer than the wild-type flagella, were observed by high-intensity dark-field microscope.
The CW rotation fixed polar flagella mutant of Vibrio
Species name:Vibrio alginolyticus
Nagoya University Michio Homma
The mutants of V. alginolyticus were isolated from the motility defective mutants who were poorly motile in soft agar medium. The flagellar rotational direction is fixed in the CW direction and the cell proceeds at the forefront of flagellum, thus the flagella tab. The operation proceeds in the distal end of flagella. Therefore, flagella get tangled up under the microscope. The flagella were observed by high-intensity dark-field microscope.
The multiple polar flagellar mutant of Vibrio
Species name:Vibrio alginolyticus
Nagoya University Michio Homma
The mutants of V. alginolyticus were isolated from the motility defective mutants who were poorly motile in soft agar medium. The number of polar flagella, as compared to the wild-type strain who has one flagellum at the pole, increased about tenfold. The flagella were observed by high-intensity dark-field microscope.